Ways of displaying full-screen openHAB logs on dedicated inexpensive tablets

I know of nothing that works out of the box.

Were I to try and build something like this I’d probably try the following.

  • JuiceSSH for logging into the machine and running multitail upon connection. I recommend setting up certificate authentication but I think you can store your password if you need to. I believe you can configure a connection to automatically run a command once connected, but I am not sure if that is only a feature of the pro feature.

  • The JuiceSSH Tasker plugin is a separate app that lets you interact with JuiceSSH from Tasker.

  • Tasker is kind of like openHAB for your phone. If you like automation you should be using it. :wink: Anyway, you can set up a profile that when the phone boots it kicks off the JuiceSSH connection. This gets you half way there. The problem is the JuiceSSH Tasker plugin doesn’t tell Tasker when a connection is lost.

  • So we need AutoNotification, a Task plugin that can monitor your system notifications and do actions on those. This will need to be configured to look for the “Disconnected” notification from JuiceSSH. When that occurs use Tasker to clear the notification and start the connection again. You will probably want to have a repeat and standoff loop on the reconnect in case the problem is because OH went down or the network is down.

As you can see, this is going to be a whole ton of work, it’s going to be brittle, and it’s going to be far from maintenance free.

So let’s assume this is an XY Problem. What are you really after? While having a bunch of screens with raw logs scrolling by may look cool, it is frankly not all that useful. This is, I believe, one of the main reasons why you are struggling to find something that works. In real control centers that I’ve seen (i.e. operational ones, not as seen on TV) you never see screens up with scrolling logs. Instead you see stuff like this from Prometheus using Grafana (tutorial and openHAB plugin for integration with openHAB can be found at: New Add-on bundle for Prometheus health Metrics)

or the following using Kibana which is part of the ELK Stack (tutorial for setting up ELK with openHAB: Logging to Logstash+Elasticsearch+Kibana)

or using one of the many log visualization tools that are out there, both commercial and open source (search Google for “log visualization”). Note that Grafana can be used with other log aggregators besides Prometheus.

In short, what people have are systems that monitor the logs looking for certain patterns and that generate alerts when those patterns are detected. If they look at any sort of visualization at all, it will be a graphical aggregation dashboard like those presented above.