We need your help on testing!

I tried installing latest (snapshot) OH2 with Nikobus binding on rpi2:

  • had previously working OH 1.8.2 (with Nikobus binding)
  • downloaded OH2 snapshot and extracted to /opt/openhab2
  • copied items and sitemap from OH1 to corresponding folders within the OH2
  • copied nikobus binding from addons OH1 folder to OH2
  • copied openhab.cfg and installed feature:install openhab-runtime-compat1x - as described here
  • installed feature:install openhab-transport-serial

Using basic UI I was able to turn on/off lights, dim lights, use window shutters… so in short, it seems to work, at least during my short test…

Hope I included all the steps above, was writing from my head, but the bottom point is that it seems to work.

I will do some more testing and let you know if there are any issues and if I have time, I might create a PR (if someone else won’t do that first :wink: ).

Thanks all for doing a great job.