Weather Binding 1.9

I feel like this thing just won’t die. First off I had to change the name from weather1, cfg to weather.cfg to get anything from the logs. I feel as though I’ve read every post from every weather binding on this site. Any idea why Nest is mentioned?



weather:location.home.woeid= (required for Yahoo provider)



Updating property apikey.ForecastIo of configuration org.openhab.nest caused a problem: the given configKey ‘apikey.ForecastIo’ is unknown

2017-02-07 19:26:58.652 [WARN ] [eather.internal.common.WeatherConfig] - Weather apikey setting ‘apikey.ForecastIo’ has no value. Check openhab.cfg.
2017-02-07 19:26:58.652 [WARN ] [eather.internal.common.WeatherConfig] - Weather apikey setting ‘apikey.Wunderground’ has no value. Check openhab.cfg.
2017-02-07 19:26:58.652 [WARN ] [eather.internal.common.WeatherConfig] - Weather location setting ‘location.home.language’ has no value. Check openhab.cfg.
2017-02-07 19:26:58.653 [WARN ] [eather.internal.common.WeatherConfig] - Weather location setting ‘’ has no value. Check openhab.cfg.
2017-02-07 19:26:58.653 [WARN ] [eather.internal.common.WeatherConfig] - Weather location setting ‘location.home.updateInterval’ has no value.

Your setup config values need to be in openhab.cfg for openHAB1.x bindings.

Yes, you do have to name the cfg files correctly. If you are using the 1.9 weather binding with Openhab2, you got it right now - weather.cfg

If that’s a copy-paste of your cfg file, i would guess you have unwanted line breaks in it - commonly caused by the choice of editor e.g. Windows Notepad.

really? my myq garage is not in openhab.cfg

hmm, that is probably it, what should i use?

Yeah, sorry, @rossko57 is right. I didn’t pick up the OH2 point sorry.

As for editors, I use Atom and really like it. You can set it to use LF (or CRLF - Windows) line ending.