This is interesting and a little bit confusing about the different versions, isn’t it, but the very good thing is that we have to somehow have it sorted out
I am still running openHAB 2.3.0 and I’m sure that the Weather binding in this distribution is regarding to OH1 Add-ons.
#sudo ssh -p 8101 openhab@localhost
205 | Active | 80 |1.12.0 |openHAB Weather Binding
I have seen one like 1.13.0 and this one is also an OH1 Add-ons binding .
Please see, https://github.com/openhab/openhab1-addons/tree/master/bundles/binding/org.openhab.binding.weather
There must have been some changes in the way OpenWeatherMap will deliver the different forecasts, I have just used this binding for a month so I don’t know anything about the past.
Anyhow so can I see the very same link in 1.12.0 and 1.13.0. so I assume that none of these bindings will work as expected, they will booth throw the exception like ‘Invalid API key. xxxx’
At least if you use the Free account at OpenWeatherMap.
I have redesigned the binding, (changed the link) but this is a very ugly way too handle the problem, due to that I am not the maintainer of this binding. So it works but I can only see forecast for the next 12 hours with steps of 3 hours. I have not distribute it due to that.
So my suggestion is that we try to use the OH2 Add-ons binding.
As I have seen so is this binding available from: Announcing OpenWeatherMap binding for Eclipse SmartHome / openHAB
And if there are any similar problems, can we ask for help to solve them in the OH2 Add-ons binding.
Not so much help I think, but maybe a little bit closer to a solution.
Best Regards Basse