Hi all
I have installed last week a weather station (froggit wh2650) and send successfully data to ecowitt and wunderground.
The binding the weathercompany works well. So far so good.
in WS View (App) I can switch between “W/m²” and Lux.
But in the bindig (wunderground data) I receive only data in “W/m²”.
How can I receive the data in Lux or how can I stripe the “W/m²” from the data to work with it:
The declaration of the item
Number:Intensity WC_PWS_SolarRadiation “Sonneneinstrahlung [%.2f %unit%]” { channel=“weathercompany:weather-observations:xxxxxxx:currentSolarRadiation” }
I like to add a additional number item to work in rules for the shutters or the light.
@rossko57 The units are different between these two. One is Intensity (Solar Radiation) and the other is Illuminance (Lux). Therefore, I’m not convinced the system will convert between the two.
It’s like Mark said, I have tried it and I do not get any value
even when I declare a item as following:
Number:Illuminance WC_PWS_SolarRadiationLX “Sonneneinstrahlung [%.0f lx]” { channel=“weathercompany:weather-observations:xxxxxxx:currentSolarRadiation” }
Nothing in the events.log for the item WC_PWS_SolarRadiationLX
Yes, I have misled you.
If the binding provides a Number:Intensity type channel, you should link that to a Number:Intensity type Item.
Number:Intensity does not provide lux units,
with the help from Mark I implement a rule where I convert the “W/m²” to Lux
rule "Watt to LUX"
Item WC_PWS_SolarRadiation changed
var double Lux = (WC_PWS_SolarRadiation.state as Number).doubleValue / 0.0079