I have been using my Wemo Insight plug for some time now but just set up the pushover notifications to tell me when my lights turn on. What i noticed is im getting two notifications, one when the Desk light comes on, but a second identical notification when the power status changed as well assuming form 0 to greater than 0.
What i also noticed is when i turn my light off, ill get a notification that the light has turned on. From looking at the light i can see the light turned off, but in the logs there is a status right after indicating the light turned on. The light never turns on but i can see W level is still reading greater than 0 from the openHAB app. Once it reads 0 W, it shuts off.
Has anyone else experienced this, or know how i can set my item configuration up to separate the power reading from the switch to only get one notification?
What the logs are showing:
2018-01-15 21:07:04.512 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'FAMRMSW_2' received command OFF
2018-01-15 21:07:04.663 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - FAMRMSW_2 changed from ON to OFF
2018-01-15 21:07:06.508 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - FAMRMSW_2 changed from OFF to ON
2018-01-15 21:07:28.437 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - FAMRMSW_2 changed from ON to OFF
2018-01-15 21:07:28.543 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - gPower changed from 16 to 0 through deskLight_Power
2018-01-15 21:07:28.595 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - deskLight_Power changed from 16 to 0
My items File is as follows.
// This is the Items File
I have started to play with openhab last week and have seen the on-off off-on on-off happen a few times. I have 2 insight switch and two led bulbs and a link. Going to spend some time checking my item/sitemap setup as i have just done enough to get it working and still reading the documentation.
you might want to look into using autoupdate=“false”.
Autoupdate means an Item state may get turned ON, before the binding has completed sending the ON to the device. That’s usually convenient for display, and necessary for devices that don’t report status.
But when a device provides feedback, it may still report OFF to Openhab while an ON is being processed. The binding dutifully updates the OH Item to OFF, even though it is in the process of changing.
Sometime later, it will get another update to the new status of ON.
So you see an apparent ON-OFF-ON
My notification method is being done by “pushover” and the API token but here are my rules. Rule " Desk Light ON" is the one triggering the double notifications.
Rule “Desk Lamp Power Change” was my attemp to have two conditions met before triggering the notification. It doesnt work at the moment nor do i really want to use that method / rule for this lamp.
// This is the Rules file
import org.openhab.core.library.types.DecimalType
rule "Desk Light On"
Item FAMRMSW_2 changed to ON
pushover ("Desk Lampp is On..")
rule "Desk Lamp Power Change"
Item deskLight_Power changed
if(deskLight_Power == 16 && FAMRMSW_2 == ON) {
pushover("Desk Lamp is on");
rule "sierra Light On"
Item FAMRMSW_1 changed to ON
pushover ("Sierra LED Light is On..")
rule "sierra Light Off"
Item FAMRMSW_1 changed to OFF
pushover ("Sierra LED Light is Off..")
I added the autoupdate into my items file as below, but still same result. I do love this concept though and will need to use it more. Let me know if i added it incorrectly.
Number deskLight_Power "Desk Light power [%.0f W]" {autoupdate="false"} <energy> (gPower)
That should be it, use like a psuedo-binding. (The autoupdate thingy seems to work like a binding, triggered by any command sent to each Item, and active by default).
Sometimes it’s useful, sometimes it isn’t, all depends on the real binding(s) associated with a given Item.
However, in this case I guess - you don’t send commands to deskLight_Power ? (so there is no autoupdate anyway)
You do send commands to FAMRMSW_1 from rules or UI ? And that item receives updates from binding to a physical device?
So that item would be the candidate for disabling autoupdate, i.e. the item state would only reflect what actually happens at the device, and not what OpenHAB hopes might happen shortly.
I do send commands to FAMRMSW_1 via rules and the Home Kit so ill have to give autoupdate a try. You are also correct about deskLight_Power, thats only there to measure the power and then group it on my site map with more devices later on.
I have not yet. Haven’t had much time to dedicate to it but will take
another stab at this over the weekend. If i get something working, I’ll
shoot you a ping.
This is the only rule that really works for me, but there is sometimes (a lot of the time) a delay in the Desk lamp OFF notification. Changing the Power to 0 seems to take a considerable amount of time and sometimes right away but it only send one notification.
16 W is normal output for this desk lamp; it does sometimes spike to 17 and then goes back down to 16 which triggers a second notification, but its rare.
rule "Desk Lamp Power Change ON"
Item deskLight_Power changed to 16
pushover("Desk Lamp is on")
rule "Desk Lamp Power Change OFF"
Item deskLight_Power changed to 0
pushover("Desk Lamp is off")
// This is the Items File
Group:Number:SUM gPower "Overall Power Usage [%.1f W]" <energy> (gAll)
// Family Room
Switch FAMRMSW_1 "Sierra Light" <light> [ "Lighting" ]
Switch FAMRMSW_2 "Desk Lamp" <light> [ "Lighting" ]
Number deskLight_Power "Desk Light power [%.0f W]" <energy> (gPower)
I have the same issue and this has fixed it for me.
Example from the page:
Switch Garage_Gate {binding=“xxx”, autoupdate=“false”}
(Mr. Wiseman (OH 4.3.0 Snapshot on Pi4))
I’m getting an WeMo insight switch tomorrow to use it on my clothes washing machine with the idea of alerting the house via Alexa TTS when laundry is done.
Anybodying doing this? Would you mind sharing your rules code?