What am I missing here?

Hello Everyone.

A couple of days ago I decided to do a fresh install of openhab and build upon the demo file that came with it.

I added the following to the items but unfortunately the sensor and the garage door entries refuse to show up on the site map even though the gRGBW one is showing up fine.

Group gRGBW “RGBW Light” (GF_Lounge)

Dimmer RGBWControllerAll “RGBW Light Control [%d %%]” (gRGBW) {zwave=“2”}
Dimmer RGBWControllerR “RGBW Light Red [%d %%]” (gRGBW) {zwave=“2:2”}
Dimmer RGBWControllerG “RGBW Light Green [%d %%]” (gRGBW) {zwave=“2:3”}
Dimmer RGBWControllerB “RGBW Light Blue [%d %%]” (gRGBW) {zwave=“2:4”}
Dimmer RGBWControllerW “RGBW Light White [%d %%]” (gRGBW) {zwave=“2:5”}

/* Kitchener Sensor
Contact Kitchen_Movement “Movement: [%s]” (GF_Kitchen) { zwave=“5:command=sensor_binary” }
Number Kitchen_Alarm “Alarm: [%s]” (GF_Kitchen) { zwave=“5:command=sensor_alarm” }
Number Kitchen_Lux “Luminance: [%.2f Lux]” (GF_Kitchen) { zwave=“5:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=3” }
Number Kitchen_Bat “Battery: [%d %%]” (GF_Kitchen) { zwave=“5:command=battery” }
Number Kitchen_Temp “Temperature: [%.1f °C]” (GF_Kitchen) { zwave=“5:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=1” }

// ecolink garage door
Contact GarageDoor “Garage Door is [MAP(en.map):%s]” (Outdoor_Garage) {zwave=“3:command=SENSOR_BINARY”}

tip for beginners: do not forget to close your comments. I was missing the */ above the kitchen sensors.

That is why I make it a habit of avoiding the use of /* comments. In Designer and many other editors you can automatically comment a block of text by highlighting it and pressing <ctrl>/.

Thanks. I pretty much started from scratch this week.

took everyones advice and deleted everything. Using the demo as a template has made me feel a lot more organized and all the problems that I have been experiencing have disappeared.

Using the designer for the first time today as well.

Thanks again.