What blinds for openhab today?


Could you advice me, what internal blinds are you using and if you are satisfied with them? Of course any information about openhab integration is welcome :slight_smile:


Hunter Douglas Powerview blinds are good. Also known under the Luxafkex brand name in Europe.

7 battery operated, Somfy units and 2 mains powered. All integrated into OH using an RFX433XL transceiver. Works great

Bali battery operated Z-Wave blinds with the Z-Wave add-on
No Bali hub needed

I’m also using Bali Blinds, thanks to @smitopher’s recommendation. No problems connecting them to my Zooz S2 controller, and the batteries last forever. Best to get them when they go on sale at Costco.

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I am using IKEA brand blinds. They are Zigbee but require no hub if using a Zigbee dongle and openHAB. The instructions to link the blinds are linked to in the Zigbee addon docs for OH. I wasn’t expecting much when I purchased them due to their low price point, but they have far exceeded my expectations. I have had them for about a year they have worked flawlessly. I have needed only one battery recharge in that time and the blinds cycle about 4 times each day based on the position of the sun and/or room use. Overall very pleased. Looking to add more blinds this year.

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