What browser setting stops the UI working correct? Parts vanish

Hi community,

I am using openHAB since some years. Last week I updated on Raspi 5 with 64bit openHAB (the latest release).

Since this day (maybe due to an update in the browser) I cannot use everything of the openHAB GUI. I did not directly recognize, because most work is done via Code.
Depending on the Browser (left new started edge, right restarted Firefox) and the uptime/number of restarts (?) of the browser, parts of the UI vanish (here the “Log Viewer”) and some parts are not useable (click on button leads to no response or empty page).

Obviously it is not an openHAB topic but a browser setting. Does anybody know what I did wrong?

Firefox’s aggressive page cache protocols have been causing trouble with the MainUI for a few years now. This is most likely the issue here. Restarting Firefox is not enough; you need to delete the cached version of the OH page and reload. ctrl + shft + r is often enough to achieve this, although, if I recall, some users have reported having to dig deeper into Firefox settings to clear all the cached data.

Thanky you! It fixed the problem…

I will change the browser, if this appears more often.