That really isn’t a bug, but expected behavior. At least that is how it has worked since OH 1.6 IIRC and in certain use cases it is a required feature. For example, let’s say a user has set up a bunch of ArrayLists and HashMaps that need to get initialized with information that isn’t known until OH is running (i.e. you can’t hard code in the values). You need the System started Rule to run when the .rules file is loaded so the global vars can be populated. Otherwise those values will remain uninitialized because your global variables get wiped out when the .rules file reloads.
NOTE: I strongly recommend writing Rules in this way. It’s a code smell and probably not the best way to achieve what you are after. But just because I think it’s a bad idea, I would not go so far as saying that this use case should not be supported.
I found a 20 year old heat pump that you connect to a standard electric water heater. It was unused and $100, so I figured I would give it a shot. There was a wiring diagram on the inside, but being 20 years old it had all gone away… so there was some trial and error
It is supposed to be controlled by the lower thermostat of the water heater, which I did at first… but Tasmota with a Sonoff was a much better fit
I used 5 temperature sensor to monitor the compressor, water heater, inlet and outlet, and another before the evaporator coils.
The Sonoff takes care of the temperature control and it has been running pretty well. I did have to add a second fan on top the unit, because the original fan does not move enough air to prevent the coil from freezing up. The second fan is controlled by a z-wave outlet LOL and it has not missed a single command when the Sonoff turns on. Can’t argue with only needing 3 “blocks” of code…
I even have a boost button to start heating the water before the wife needs an extra long hot shower.
1. Updated the jsr223 migration tutorial due to richs feedback
I have simplified the rule there and fixed some stuff in the examples
2. Made some refactoring and clean up for my live config folder
I cleaned up old transformation files and rules files which i have replaced with jsr223 rules now.
I have this folder unter git version control and had look at the insights today.
Really impressive what huge amount of changes is done during the lifeciycle of an openHAB installation.
3. Revived a project that has been inactive for months
I have build this lamp months ago to play around with neopixels.
I designed a simple pcb to securely attach an esp8266, power supply, and a capacitor, to a 7 segment display from adafruit with i2c backpack.
With those I am going to make a bedside clock, which will get the time from timezonedb.
The next version will have a light sensor, and probably also a temperature sensor. But to actually get this project going, and not end up in the infinite development stage, I decided to just make the simplest working design possible, and then get that up and running, before starting to add more and more features.
Biggest problem was getting the deepsleep to work with the mqtt publish. Without deepsleep the heat generated by the esp8266 was influencing the sensor. Now it works very reliably and precise with openhab
I love your panel!
Kind of off-topic, but do you use the Miflora outdoors? Thought they were only meant for indoors.
Also have you got any reference on which to interpret the results? I mean…is 23% humidity enough for a lemon tree? How about conductivity?