What kinds of devices does the Google integration support?

I’m having trouble understanding the current state of the Google integration. According to https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/pull/4390#issuecomment-387876369 we will be able to use tags like ```
SpeakerVolume and EntertainmentInput. Are those available yet? If so, in what version?

Thanks, and thank you for all of the great work

According to this documentation the following tags are supported:

  • [“Lighting”]
  • [“Switchable”]
  • [“Scene”]
  • [“Outlet”]
  • [“CurrentTemperature”]
  • [“Thermostat”]
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Yes, thanks. I’m trying to find out if the documentation is out of date.

I also noticed that documentation is different from github page

and github

I tried the link on the bottom of the documentation that says " Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the documentation? Edit this page on GitHub" but the link doesn’t work.

I might get down entire documentation to make a pull request, but if someone already has it all set up and can just update the devices list and url, that would be awesome!

I probably should have mentioned why I asked my original question.

I have a homemade sensor that tells openhab whether my garage door is open or closed. I’d like to ask my Google Home whether the door is open. My item is a String and I set the values to open or closed. Is there a way for me to ask the GH to ask OH the status and get back “the door is open”?

I created a second item that’s a Switch, so I can ask if the door is “on”, but my family doesn’t find that very helpful.


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Interesting user story. Integration could go one step further. Asking Google Assistant a question, like “show me the weather”, start the tv, start a browser with the result on the tv, and on “Thank you” closes the browser an shuts down the tv. So next to switching, getting status, setting state, integration could also create the junior-jarvis.
What I really would love to know if I can use integration and still be in control. Openhab as the integrator instead of google being the integrator. Problem is that cloud services are not for free, they are collecting your behavior an I would like to minimize this buy in.