When is 2.1 planned to go GA?

Is there somewhere, where i can see when 2.1 is planned to go GA ?



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really nobody with and answer, or at least a date ?

Am i missing something ?


The most concrete answer I’ve found to this question is in the comments of the Virtual Meetup last week:

Q: Are the things mentioned on “What’s next” slide for OH2.1, or releases after it?

Kai: That depends on when the 2.1 release will be! There isn’t a definite date yet and what makes it into the release will depend on how quickly the contributions are finalized. I would hope that most features will make it into 2.1, which should hopefully arrive by June.

Great. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Is there an overview where i can see what is planned for the next version? New bindings or other fixes?

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