Where is the config stored?

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: docker/8GB RAM
    • OS: openhab/openhab:4.1.2
    • Java Runtime Environment: openjdk version “17.0.10” 2024-01-16
    • openHAB version: openhab/openhab:4.1.2
  • Issue of the topic: Configuration Locations

Hello community,

i am ramping up my openhab and use a development environment which i copy to the production env after successful tests.
This is working on the whole.

I have no Things, Items … files.

I copy all jsondb stuff to the prod evironment (stop prod, stop local, copy), but it seems that config parts are persisted, cached somewhere else too.
Example: when i grep in conf, addons and userdata i find an id only in logs:
ScriptEngine for language ‘application/javascript;version=ECMAScript-5.1’ could not be found for identifier: 539e4cfb-15d6-4b8c-ba65-ae4a4c8808d2 so i assume it is stored or cached somewhere else outside jsondb.

$OH_USERDATA/etc has some “global” configs like logging config and webserver certs and such.

Other configs like regional settings, what bindings are installed and the like are in $OH_USERDATA/config. Individual bindings might have their own folders where they save additional data as well.

If you run openhab+cli backup, you can examine the zip file and get an idea about what is included in the full OH config.

I did the backup, extracted it to temp but still cannot find my object from the log in the extracted backup with grep. I assume it must be cached somewhere

What are you grepping for?

JS Scripting (Nashorn) which provides ECMAScript-5.1, is an add-on. The config file that specifies what add-ons get installed is $OH_USERDATA/config/org/openhab/addons.config.


Rules add-ons are listed under “automation”. Note I don’t use Nashorn JS (it’s ancient and mainly kept around for legacy support, you should not do new development of rules in Nashorn JS) but if I did you’d see jsscriptingnashorn in the list next to “automation”.

This is the file that records what add-ons get installed. Your error is telling you that you don’t have the Nashorn add-on installed.

Thank you for your answer!

i know the nashorn thing - i uninstalled it and now use the new javascript - but i search the scripts/rules where the old stuff is contained in.

If you are looking for that, managed rules are stored in $OH_USERDATA/jsondb/automation_rules.json (or something like that).

Note that between OH 3 and OH 4, Blockly changed from Nashorn to JS Scripting. you just need to open and re-save those rules to convert to the new version. As of 4.2 I think Nashorn is no longer supported by Blockly at all.

I am grepping for error items in my log:
org.openhab.persistence.jdbc.internal.exceptions.JdbcSQLException: Error in SQL query!!!; (conn=800) Incorrect table name ‘eg_heizaktor_11010_eg_arbeitszimmer_fbh_temperaturwert_empfangen_0044’ Query: INSERT INTO eg_heizaktor_11010_eg_arbeitszimmer_fbh_temperaturwert_empfangen_0044
I am searching for the item “eg_heizaktor_11010_eg_arbeitszimmer_fbh_temperaturwert_empfangen” but cannot find it in jsondb (i want to rename it to a shorter name)

Items ware stored in org.openhab.core.items Items.json

Problem solved.
The string from the log was stored in org.openhab.core.thing.link.ItemChannelLink.json.

openhab translates the item names to lower case for jdbc persistence so grep did not find it.

Thank you for your support!

That would have been an orphaned link. There is a command in karaf console: openhab:links orphan list to show them and openhab:links orphan purge to remove them.

After an upgrade MainUI will pop up a dialog telling you about orphan links and asking if you want to purge them.

There is also an API endpoint you can find under Developer Tools → API Explorer where you can get the list of orphans and purge them.