Hi, new to OpenHab, installed 4.x
When i start the app on android, i see a “main menu”, with more a classic style
I also see the “main ui”
“tested with demo mode”
But what i’m after is the “Main Menu”, this one runs better on older android systems… where can i see this in Openhab itself? how to add items there? i only just created 2 things now, but they only show on “main UI”
This is NOT what i want:
You can create sitemaps in MainUI itself.
Just navigate to the pages menu and press the blue plus button. Then select a new sitemap type page and start to configure it.
If you have BasicUi installed, you can view the result in your browser.
ok, created an sitemap, i inserted my 2 lightbulbs on it , so far so good
On the things, when i turn on/off the light, i see the state changing (they are mqtt lights), also in main UI, the state is changing
however , on the sitemap, the lightbulbs, they work when i do then on/off, but seems the state is not changing, if i change the lght itself?
i see a “?” in the state icon
What i also notice, if i reboot Openhab, the mqtt device go to offline, untill i turn on/off my light itself? why doesnt it detect the online state? in mqtt they are online?
Hi Fabio,
I am interested in understanding your motivation why you moved to openHAB.
Nothing urgent - if you have some minutes later this or next week that would be great.