Where is the old UI?

Hi, new to OpenHab, installed 4.x
When i start the app on android, i see a “main menu”, with more a classic style
I also see the “main ui”
“tested with demo mode”

But what i’m after is the “Main Menu”, this one runs better on older android systems… where can i see this in Openhab itself? how to add items there? i only just created 2 things now, but they only show on “main UI”
This is NOT what i want:

looking for this style:


These are called Sitemaps and are created using text files.

In mobile OH apps, you can also choose, which kind of UI shall be displayed as default (afaik it still is sitemaps).

And for completeness, sitemaps are used in BasicUI which can be installed for browser usage and can be selected from a tile in the right side menu.

ok its sidemaps, that i need then, gonna have a look at the textfiles to create them
thnx for poiting me in right direction

You can create sitemaps in MainUI itself.
Just navigate to the pages menu and press the blue plus button. Then select a new sitemap type page and start to configure it.
If you have BasicUi installed, you can view the result in your browser.

aha, thats easier!
How can i install “basicUI” , is that an addon?

ok, created an sitemap, i inserted my 2 lightbulbs on it , so far so good

On the things, when i turn on/off the light, i see the state changing (they are mqtt lights), also in main UI, the state is changing
however , on the sitemap, the lightbulbs, they work when i do then on/off, but seems the state is not changing, if i change the lght itself?
i see a “?” in the state icon

within items, the state perfectly changes:

AddonStore → UI → BasicUI.
When installing openHAB, it should be suggested by the setup wizard.

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Change the icon to light, not lightbulb.

i changed to “light”, but doesnt help, i see state is now “on”

but on basicUI is off

please go to the code tab of the sitemap and post the code here in code fences.
It is hard to tell from screen shots.

here is sitemap:

  "uid": "page_eca803fea6",
  "component": "Sitemap",
  "config": {
    "label": "SItemap1"
  "slots": {
    "widgets": [
        "component": "Switch",
        "config": {
          "item": "Bureau",
          "label": "Bureau",
          "icon": "light"
        "component": "Switch",
        "config": {
          "icon": "light",
          "label": "Inkomhal",
          "item": "Inkomhal"

and here is thing:

UID: mqtt:topic:4195962e3b
label: Bureau
thingTypeUID: mqtt:topic
  payloadNotAvailable: offline
  availabilityTopic: openhab/light/bureau/availability
  payloadAvailable: online
bridgeUID: mqtt:broker:aff82bad06
  - id: Bureau
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: On/Off Switch
      commandTopic: openhab/light/bureau/set_light
      stateTopic: openhab/light/bureau/state
      transformationPattern: JSONPATH:$.state
      off: '{ "state": "OFF" }'
      on: '{ "state": "ON" }'

Your item is called Bureau_OnOff_Switch, not Bureau, thats the channel :wink:

ok, that makes sense, working now
sorry new, to openhab, i’m an HA user :slight_smile:

Glad we could get it sorted and welcome to the fabulous openHAB world :wink:

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thnx for feedback, appreciated!!

What i also notice, if i reboot Openhab, the mqtt device go to offline, untill i turn on/off my light itself? why doesnt it detect the online state? in mqtt they are online?

after reboot:

but in mqtt still online

sorry new, to openhab, i’m an HA user :slight_smile:

…and you should be ashamed of yourself! :grimacing:

I’m kidding, I got mates who (still) swear on it, too. Not for much longer, if I can manage. :laughing:

Welcome to the club, mate!

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Hi Fabio,
I am interested in understanding your motivation why you moved to openHAB.
Nothing urgent - if you have some minutes later this or next week that would be great.

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