Where to find/download KNX 1.9.x Snapshot?

Due to a disaster recovery, I had to restore the whole Raspi OH 1.8.3 instance.

since I did this, I’ve got a lot of errors due to my incomplete deployment documentation…
right now I fixed a lot of problems, with a lot of help here in the community! Thx to all of you!

But there are still some Warnings (a lot of them!) related to my KNX Bus.
like this:

2017-08-29 20:59:55.984 [WARN ] [.KNXBindingDatapointReaderTask] - Autorefresh: Cannot read value for item 'Heizung_Masterbad_Stellgroesse' from KNX bus: timeout waiting for group read response: timeout

I can remember that I deployed a new Snapshot quite a while ago… But I neather can find the source where to download the snapshot nor an article when to use it… There are a lot of topics about OH2 and KNX Binding Snaptshop 1.9.x … But I didn’t find one about OH1 and how to get the snapshot and how to deploy it…???

Any Help?

the absolute latest version of the KNX 1.x binding can be found here (grab the jar)


I don’t know if this will help you so much… If you are getting timeout errors, there maybe something else wrong.

I also don’t know if the 1.11 Snapshot version of the KNX 1.x binding will work on an openHAB1 core… (it should… I don’t know how to manually deploy jars in OH1 :stuck_out_tongue:)

They are ALL deployed manually :grinning: