Which linux for rock64

totally new to openhab - I plan to control my heating with openhab. I have a rock64 with 2GB lying around. armbian and debian stopped support for the rock64 - last image is from 08.2021.

So in case of security updates there is only alpine or arch (manjaro) with new images

in both I could set up openhab with docker - the alpine docker file uses openJDK and seems to be less compatible - arch does not have a prebuilt Docker file.

openhab on arch is also possible with snap (strange for me) or aur


My needs are very basic just some Tasmota devices and 2 shellys with Temperature Sensor AddOn.

Maybe you can help me to choose the best solution to install openhab
thx in advance

You do not need to match the base OS of the Docker image to your host OS. All that is shared between the container and the host is the kernel so it’s perfectly acceptable (and common) to, for example, run an Alpine based image on a Debian host OS.

So if you have concerns about the alpine image, use the debian image. But as long as your host is running Docker it doesn’t really matter what the image is based on. It’s running in it’s own isolated environment and has no idea what your host OS is.

I don’t know what the best solution is. I just wanted to clear up this apparent bit of confusion.

Docker, snap, or aur are all probably good choices. It just depends on what you want out of the install. Do you want openHAB to be isolated from the host (at the cost of a bit more disk space and RAM usage) Docker or Snap are good choices. If you want openHAB to be “installed” and run on the host OS instead use aur or install OH manually.

@ricoshak thx for the clarification - I am also new to docker - so I will start with alpine OS with up2date kernel and debian docker with normal glibc. So maybe, if there are afterwards enough resorces, I can still run nextcloud on it…

Just if somebody reads this thread - I did not use Alpine, because there is something wrong with u-boot + Rock64. I used the Manjaro image and it was pretty easy to set up

[tom@Rock64 etc]$ sudo docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS                    PORTS     NAMES
5bc5712efcfe   openhab/openhab:latest-debian   "/entrypoint gosu op…"   2 hours ago   Up 44 minutes (healthy)             openhab

[tom@Rock64 etc]$ free
              gesamt       benutzt     frei      gemns.  Puffer/Cache verfügbar
Speicher:    4068636      650704     1914644       19480     1503288     3358052
Swap:        6102952           0     6102952

I realized, I have a 4 GB RAM Rock64, but it uses only 635 MB - so a even a 1 GB device like my Espressobin should be fine - and this would work with Alpine - so it would be smaller