Which weather binding to use


There are few options for weather binding. Which one is consider the best one to use?


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In the past I compared all these 4 weather bindings options

  • yahoo
  • openweathermap
  • weatherunderground
  • ForecastIo

For all 4 I use the “Weather Binding”.

I can only speak for my location, but only weatherunderground reflects the real weather conditions. All others say mostly cloud on sunny days or other strange things. Not relyable for me because I use this for shaddow trigger. It is not cool if I have down all roller shutters even if there is no sun :wink:

Only problem is, that from time to time I get no date from weatherunderground. But only once a day. For me this in OK.

Weatherunderground no longer offers API keys to free accounts, FYI.

puh, then I’m the lucky one which has one.

your completely right. I’m using yahoo and openweathermap. When using openweathermap i aways get an error-message

2018-10-06 17:09:33.879 [ERROR] [nal.provider.AbstractWeatherProvider] - OPENWEATHERMAP[home-owm]: Can't retreive weather data: Invalid API key. Please see http://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info.

although my key is correct and i’m getting some data from the binding. (any idea).

It’s a mix of data of both, which i use, but only for fun :slightly_smiling_face: and information, not using it for measuring and controling.

My openweathermap is working.

Sometimes I get:

2018-10-10 19:07:52.080 [ERROR] [nal.provider.AbstractWeatherProvider] - OPENWEATHERMAP[OWMWeatherZirndorf]: Can't retreive weather data: In
ternal error: 500001

I get no errors and all weather data’s I need. Only they are not correct :wink:

How does your api.key look like ?

Mine looks like this


in the weather.cfg.


apikey.OpenWeatherMap= (32 digits)

Try you key here:


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Sorry i’m newbie. I do not quite understand what is meant with that:

I tried the browser-site with my key: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?id=524901&APPID=mykey-1-32
in this case and got this back:

so i think it should work.

When starting the system i get the following information:

2018-10-12 13:41:04.326 [INFO ] [eather.internal.common.WeatherConfig] - ProviderConfig[providerName=OPENWEATHERMAP,apiKey=myapikey1-32]

2018-10-12 13:41:04.329 [INFO ] [eather.internal.common.WeatherConfig] - LocationConfig[providerName=OPENWEATHERMAP,language=de,updateInterval=30,latitude=48.xxxxx,longitude=9.yyyy,woeid=<null>,locationId=home-owm,name=Berlin]

2018-10-12 13:41:04.330 [INFO ] [eather.internal.common.WeatherConfig] - LocationConfig[providerName=YAHOO,language=de,updateInterval=30,latitude=<null>,longitude=<null>,woeid=123456,locationId=home-yh,name=Berlin]

As i look now on your error message, it seems to by nearly the same as mine. I get data too from OWM.
So if you have no idea, i will set logging to OFF:

to ignore when data is coming.:wink:

For now. I think they plan on disabling the API in January. There is supposedly a new API they will release but it is unclear whether it will be free for users like us or not. All signs are pointing to no, it will not be free.

Hi @rlkoshak do you mean weatherunderground or openweathermap? I’ve seen that @cweitkamp is developing a special binding for openweathermap .( openweathermap.binding :thinking: )

From what it states on the Weather Underground site, free API keys will not be offered in the future.

To improve our services and enhance our relationship with our users, we will no longer provide free weather API keys as part of our program

Current keys will expire the end of the year.

Your subscriptions, and therefore access, will continue to work through 12/31/2018.


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From https://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/ => follow Important Notice

"For developers who use WU API data for non-commercial purposes, you will have access to a new plan for a personal use, low call volume API. Stay tuned for more details as we build this out.

There is still some hope :smiley:

all I see is this

To improve our services and enhance our relationship with our users, we will no longer provide free weather API keys as part of our program. If you have been directed to download our Weather Underground free API key by a third party provider, please contact your vendor for resolution.

So, is the right way to go is to use Weather binding and connect it to my preferred / available service?

yes, choose the “my preferred / available service” . How accurate it works, I think depends on the region. for my location weather underground delivers the best values which represents the real status. But since last week I get a lot of connection errors. I will move to a different one now.

But not so easy, I use it for shadowing. All the others I tested say it is fully cloudy or fully sunny but it is the opposite :wink:

Shadow when no sun or no shadow if sun :wink: My wife will kill me :wink:

Seems like weather binding doesn’t support OWM any more so I am not sure how good it is to use it now (as we also have yahhoo and WU in separate bindings).

There is a “native” OWM Binding available now: https://www.openhab.org/addons/bindings/openweathermap/

It works very well! (but you need OH 2.4.0 M5+)

Thread here: Announcing OpenWeatherMap binding for Eclipse SmartHome / openHAB

I decommissioned my old weather1 binding (using Wunderground) recently also (I was getting more frequent errors) and I am using OWM now.