I try to use on OH1.8.2 the transformation SCALE but it does not work.
The transformation MAP works well but SCALE simply results in an error message
openhab1 why is transformation service SCALE not available
my items are specified like this
Number Weather_WindSpeed "Windgeschwindigkeit [%.0f km/h]" <wind> (gWeather_Chart_wind, gWeather) { http="<[openWeatherMap:60000:XSLT(OWM_weather_wind_speed.xsl)]" }
Number Weather_WindStaerke "Windstärke [SCALE(windBeaufort.scale):%.0f Beaufort]" <wind> (gWeather) { http="<[openWeatherMap:60000:XSLT(OWM_weather_wind_speed.xsl)]" }
Number Weather_WindStaerkeText "Windstärke [SCALE(windBeaufortText.scale):%.0f]" <wind> (gWeather) { http="<[openWeatherMap:60000:XSLT(OWM_weather_wind_speed.xsl)]" }
The scale-file windBeaufort.scale
looks like this
respectively windBeaufortText.scale
[1,6]=leiser Zug
[6,12]=leichte Brise
[12,20]=schwache Brise
[20,29]=mäßige Brise
[29,39]=frische Brise
[39,50]=starker Wind
[50,62]=steifer Wind
[62,75]=stürmischer Wind
[89,103]=schwerer Sturm
[103,118]=orkanartiger Sturm
As Weather_WindSpeed
shows reasonable values I know that I get values from OpenWeatherMap
and Weather_WindStraerke
show the identical value as Weather_WindSpeed
but is not translated to Beaufort.
Any I idea what I might change or how to debug further down.