Widget button 'background' color


I am trying to make my own widget that should contain an element with a text in color depending on a state. (I know OpenHAB has a build-in version that does the same, but the plan is to enhance my version to support more features.)
My problem is that I can’t get rid of the gray surrounding around the green box - see picture. The goal is the green box should fill the whole widget, just like most of the build-in widgets.
How Do I do that?

Here is the code:



I have ‘solved’ the left/right part by adding >‘margin’:’-10px’<, but I consider this more as a hack, then a solution. I am also still missing the top/bottom part.



For some unknown reason the red arrow was placed wrongly.
The below picture points to the correct gray surrounding that I want to avoid.


Well I need some training in creating a case. The code is also wrong!

Here is the code:

<div ng-if="itemValue(config.habitem1)==config.value1">
  <div class="xxx" ng-style="{'background': (config.color1bg), 'color': (config.color1fg), 
                                       'font-size': (config.fontsize)+'px'}">
