Widget chart - influxdb - oh 4.1.0

Hi everyone,
I’ve recently updated to oh 4.1.0 and want to migrate from habpanel to the new page layouts.
I’m running a influxdb v2.1.1 which is setup in oh as default persister.

Everything seems to be fine except that my temperature, in a simple label card widget, it doesnt show the trend line correctly:

but after click on the item, the big chart does show it correctly:

Any idea?

Item configuration:

BR Marcel

A few others have reported similar issues, but to my knowledge, no cause has been identified (partly, I think, because the library that draws the trendline is an external library). My gut feeling is that this has something to do with the quality of the data prior to being sent to the external library, however. What is the persistence strategy for these item?

I dont have any persistence strategy set (as far as I know / remember) apart from the default one in the UI configuration under Settings → System Settings → Persistence. There I switched to influxdb after upgrading to OH 4.1.0.

I’ve seen other items like a power/energy item which works without an issue. My current assumption is, that there might be some issues with previously wrong/incomplete item configuration. I’ve seens some errors in log from influxdb about other items, which were initialized as a string item, updated to a number item but in the log file it seems, that in influxdb it’s still as a string item. So influxdb fields seems to be not updated after changing items in OH.

I dont know how influxdb exactly works. Maybe there is not an easy way to just change the field in an influxdb (is there sth like a “column type”?).

That doesn’t surprise me. If you’re going to change an item like that and not just give it a new name, then it’s probably best to delete the previous influxDB data or convert it yourself. That could very well be the issue.

Make sure, also, that you’ve properly configured the UoM on this item. Persistence now does take UoM into account and an improperly configured item might also result in this behavior.