I use now 2 Widgets, but want to merge them in one.
The gauges of W1 should be replaced by the components of widget 2.
Ok now i can copy the yaml of W2 in the right areas of W1.
But I wanted to ask if its possible to refer/link W2 in the area of W1 instead of copy the lines?
Thx, this is a good tip.
Visually its already merged right
Now i have to figure out how i can configure it togehter with the “host”-widget within the ui (or i have to hard-code the items in the guest widget, whats not that nice but will work i think).
This can also be seen in the semanticHomeMenu widget.
Define the props in the „host“ widget and in the „sub-widget“ You can pass the props to order widgets in the component config…
See how repeater results are passed into widgets, same usage for host props….