Windows 10 Mobile App

Hello community,

Last week i was on development on a more mobile friendly app for my windows 10 mobile phone. I wld be grateful to get feedback from you and would like to share and contribute code.

For know im just using 3 REST APIs (GET /things, GET /items and POST /items/{itemname}).
The only setting need to be done in app is the connection URL.

GUI is constructed generic by cached REST calls and refreshed by polling and a merge of the cache.

For the icons im using the suggested Font by Microsoft (Segoe MDL 2 Assets) these are hardcoded implemented for now and refer to the items category property. The template selection is done by the items type property.

For now i just have implemeted four templates (slider, switch, indicator(=none clickable radiobutton), number).

So if somebody is intrested. I know this platform market share is lower than 1%. But … I like it :slight_smile:



Great! Have you made this a “universal app” so it would work on a Win10 tablet?

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Yes of course Tommy. But on tablet i think you have more space so it would make sense to select diffrent templates for the controls.

I also tested it on my xbox one, but since my tv has no touch screen… :smirk:
Sry, im just joking,

To be serious again i would try to implement voice commands (cortana) in a generic way. So you should be able to interact with your items in a “GUI less” way.

That make sense and you can control things(items) by your xbox (kinect required for the mic), mobile, tablet, pc, laptop.

Only need to install app. After that voice commands would be recognized by cortana (if enabled :slight_smile: ) the apps background service will do the rest.

As i can read in many threads here, i think alexa would make the race. Nevertheless im using diffrent win10 devices the hole day, my mobile, my laptop at work, my laptop at home, surface and xbox. For this reason i have no need for alexa. Just another equip which would not be compatible with other common things until someone decide to implement it.

Happy Easter!

It is really looking good. Do you know that there are some people are already working on a UWP app ( Maybe you can work together on this app.

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@MHerbst: Yes i know but i just wanted to catch some feedback here before i “disturb” the existing app contributers. Other people’s opinion is very important at this point.

When i tried out the existing app i noticed i have to do sidemapping before. But there is no need if you look at paperui.
So with 3 simple REST APIs the app is doing its job. Of course for the feedback some kind of websocket connection (signalr) would be awesome. For now its done per polling.

Goal was to keep it simple as possible in both code behind and the UI.

For now i do not know how much people are in use of the existing app. Because the imlpementation of the above shown UI would be a breaking change some useres mide be unhappy with it.

So first of all i have to get some input here :slight_smile:

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Looks nice! Where can I try it?

I’m also not that fond of the UI of the existing UWP app, but I do think one Windows app would be best. Right now I’m using a web wrapper I made for the BasicUI, which works rather well.

Also, Cortana integration would be very nice!