Windows Registry Key Error?

I assume this has something to with my Windows7 work laptop machine and likely some sort of group policy settings somewhere, but figured I would ask anyway…

When I start OH2 on my work laptop, it always shows this strange registry key error, but then continues to launch and run properly.

Launching the openHAB runtime…
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.

But when running on another Windows VM on my server, I don’t see that error. Strange, but does anyone else see that or an idea for it cause?

Java Preferences on Windows uses the Windows Registry, so any code that uses Java Preferences has to pass permissions checks for the running user. It could of course be a different root cause.

You were correct in looking at the Java. I’m only guessing that perhaps I had a 32bit version of Java installed on a 64 bit machine.

But after uninstalling what I had a reinstalling a fresh/latest of 64bit, that error disappeared.

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