With PaperUI: when I try to add new OpenWebNet things a new scan starts and OpenHAB crashes

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: DS413j (Synology)
    • OS: DSM 6.2.2
    • Java Runtime Environment: Java SE embedded 8
    • openHAB version: 2.4
    • openwebnet addon version: 2.5.0.M3
  • Issue of the topic: with PaperUI: when I try to add new OpenWebNet things a new scan starts and OpenHAB crashes

I just installed OpenHAB + OpenWebNet addon on my Synology NAS. Following instructions I managed to run the first two scans of my myHome system. The first scan correctly found my MH200N gateway. The second scan correctly found almost all my switches, CEN+ scenarios, and my thermostats.
With PaperUI I configured almost all automatically-found things and they’re working great.

Now I’d like to manually add some undiscovered things, like the blinds, but when I try to add an OpenWebNet thing a new system scan starts and immediately OpenHAB crashes. So I can’t reach the point where I could manually add/configure a new OpnWebNet thing. Is there a way to prevent a new scan and skip directly to “manually add thing”.

With Karaf I put the loglevel to DEBUG and that’s the log I get when a new scan starts (until death of OpenHAB)

16:51:39.762 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
16:51:39.779 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetDeviceDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:DeviceDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
16:51:39.966 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
16:51:39.976 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetDeviceDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:DeviceDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
16:51:40.525 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
16:51:40.535 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetDeviceDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:DeviceDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
16:51:40.568 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP== --- Found device # urn:schemas-bticino-it:device:touchscreen:1
16:51:40.575 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +=== UPnP =========================================
16:51:40.582 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.UDN       : uuid:pnp-touchscreen-3_0-00:03:50:8F:28:24
16:51:40.593 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.DESC URL  :
16:51:40.609 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.MAX AGE : 500
16:51:40.618 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | --------------
16:51:40.626 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MANUFACTURER : BTicino S.p.A. (http://www.bticino.it)
16:51:40.632 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MODEL        : LN4890 | Touch Screen Color | 3.0 (http://www.bticino.it)
16:51:40.643 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | FRIENDLY NAME: CionfolTouch
16:51:40.651 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | SERIAL #     : 00:03:50:8F:28:24
16:51:40.669 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | BASE URL     : null
16:51:40.679 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | UPC          : null
16:51:40.685 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +==================================================
16:51:40.696 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP==                  |- LN4890 (BTicino S.p.A.)
16:51:40.702 [WARN ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP== this BTicino device is not a OpenWebNet gateway or is not supported (UDN=pnp-touchscreen-3_0-00:03:50:8F:28:24)
16:51:40.721 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP== --- Found device # urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1
16:51:40.731 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +=== UPnP =========================================
16:51:40.740 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.UDN       : uuid:73796E6F-6473-6D00-0000-00113214b21c
16:51:40.749 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.DESC URL  :
16:51:40.755 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.MAX AGE : 1900
16:51:40.761 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | --------------
16:51:40.774 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MANUFACTURER : Synology (http://www.synology.com)
16:51:40.782 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MODEL        : DS413j | Synology NAS | DS413j 6.2-24922 (http://www.synology.com)
16:51:40.792 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +==================================================
16:51:40.801 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP==                  |- DS413j (Synology)
16:51:40.810 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP== --- Found device # urn:schemas-bticino-it:device:lightingcontrolunit:1
16:51:40.828 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +=== UPnP =========================================
16:51:40.836 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.UDN       : uuid:pnp-scheduler-1_0-00:03:50:01:D4:B0
16:51:40.842 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.DESC URL  :
16:51:40.858 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.MAX AGE : 500
16:51:40.866 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | --------------
16:51:40.872 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MANUFACTURER : BTicino S.p.A. (http://www.bticino.it)
16:51:40.887 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MODEL        : MH200N | Scheduler | 1.0 (http://www.bticino.it)
16:51:40.893 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | FRIENDLY NAME: via Bucarest
16:51:40.904 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | SERIAL #     : 00:03:50:01:D4:B0
16:51:40.912 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | BASE URL     : null
16:51:40.925 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | UPC          : null
16:51:40.989 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +==================================================
16:51:41.027 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP==                  |- MH200N (BTicino S.p.A.)
16:51:41.033 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP== 'MH202' is a supported gateway
16:51:41.087 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP== Created a DiscoveryResult for gateway 'via Bucarest' (UDN=pnp-scheduler-1_0-00:03:50:01:D4:B0)
16:51:41.121 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP== --- Found device # urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1
16:51:41.152 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +=== UPnP =========================================
16:51:41.181 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.UDN       : uuid:3628eb49-dc31-4307-85b4-bb1c34e5d9a2
16:51:41.200 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.DESC URL  :
16:51:41.225 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.MAX AGE : 900
16:51:41.233 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | --------------
16:51:41.251 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MANUFACTURER : Microsoft Corporation (http://www.microsoft.com)
16:51:41.270 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MODEL        : Windows Media Player Sharing | null | 12.0 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=105926)
16:51:41.289 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +==================================================
16:51:41.296 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP==                  |- Windows Media Player Sharing (Microsoft Corporation)
16:51:41.302 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP== --- Found device # urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:2
16:51:41.329 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +=== UPnP =========================================
16:51:41.348 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.UDN       : uuid:321a2f41-b2a6-e811-bdaa-0cb6d244742a
16:51:41.363 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.DESC URL  :
16:51:41.391 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.MAX AGE : 60
16:51:41.409 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | --------------
16:51:41.419 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MANUFACTURER : D-Link (http://www.dlink.com)
16:51:41.429 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MODEL        : DVA-5592 | D-Link router | DVA-5592_A1_WI_20180823 (http://www.dlink.com)
16:51:41.438 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +==================================================
16:51:41.446 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP==                  |- DVA-5592 (D-Link)
16:51:41.452 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP== --- Found device # urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1
16:51:41.465 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +=== UPnP =========================================
16:51:41.473 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.UDN       : uuid:00113214-b21c-0011-1cb2-1cb214321100
16:51:41.483 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.DESC URL  :
16:51:41.491 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | ID.MAX AGE : 1900
16:51:41.500 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | --------------
16:51:41.510 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MANUFACTURER : Synology Inc (http://www.synology.com/)
16:51:41.522 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - | MODEL        : DS413j | Synology DLNA/UPnP Media Server | null (http://www.synology.com/)
16:51:41.531 [DEBUG] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - +==================================================
16:51:41.540 [INFO ] [nal.discovery.BusGatewayUpnpDiscovery] - ==OWN:UPnP==                  |- DS413j (Synology Inc)
16:51:41.557 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
16:51:41.591 [INFO ] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== ------ startScan() - SEARCHING for bridges...
16:51:41.618 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery:ZB== Gateway NULL, creating a new one ...
16:51:41.742 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery:ZB== ... trying to connect gateway ...

Thanks for reading!


Hi Andrea and welcome the OpenHAB community!
Can you activate both log configurations to DEBUG? (see carefully the instructions on the binding README_beta).
Then post again the log after you have the OpenHAB crash.

Also after the crash can you send this command on the Synology NAS:
sudo /etc/init.d/openhab2 status
sudo systemctl status openhab2.service

and copy the result here always using code fences.

Hi Massimo, here’s the log

08:51:06.971 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  GatewayManagement WHAT = null, ignoring
08:51:36.999 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  GatewayManagement WHAT = null, ignoring
08:52:07.019 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  GatewayManagement WHAT = null, ignoring
08:52:37.046 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  GatewayManagement WHAT = null, ignoring
08:53:07.106 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a      ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *#13**22*08*52*43*001*00*27*10*2019##
08:53:07.117 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus        ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUS## handleManagementDimension not processed
08:53:07.124 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  GatewayManagement WHAT = null, ignoring
08:53:31.055 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a      ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *9*1*7##
08:53:31.072 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  BridgeHandler ignoring frame <*9*1*7##>. WHO=AUX is not supported by the binding
08:53:31.135 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a      ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *17*1*15##
08:53:31.142 [DEBUG] [openwebnet.message.OpenMessageFactory] - ##openwebnet## WHO=SCENARIO_PROGRAMMING NOT SUPPORTED, frame=*17*1*15##
08:53:31.150 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus        ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUS## Malformed/Unsupported OpenMessage: *17*1*15##
08:53:31.346 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a      ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *#13**3*1##
08:53:31.353 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus        ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUS## handleManagementDimension not processed
08:53:31.363 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  GatewayManagement WHAT = null, ignoring
08:53:31.451 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a      ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *17*2*15##
08:53:31.455 [DEBUG] [openwebnet.message.OpenMessageFactory] - ##openwebnet## WHO=SCENARIO_PROGRAMMING NOT SUPPORTED, frame=*17*2*15##
08:53:31.459 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus        ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUS## Malformed/Unsupported OpenMessage: *17*2*15##
08:53:32.620 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a      ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *9*0*7##
08:53:32.630 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  BridgeHandler ignoring frame <*9*0*7##>. WHO=AUX is not supported by the binding
08:53:36.645 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a      ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *#13**22*08*53*13*001*00*27*10*2019##
08:53:36.658 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus        ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUS## handleManagementDimension not processed
08:53:36.666 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  GatewayManagement WHAT = null, ignoring
08:53:37.113 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
08:53:37.127 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetDeviceDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:DeviceDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
08:53:37.228 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
08:53:37.259 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetDeviceDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:DeviceDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
08:53:38.101 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
08:53:38.112 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetDeviceDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:DeviceDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
08:53:38.147 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== getSupportedThingTypes()
08:53:38.166 [INFO ] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery== ------ startScan() - SEARCHING for bridges...
08:53:38.179 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery:ZB== Gateway NULL, creating a new one ...
08:53:38.242 [DEBUG] [very.OpenWebNetBridgeDiscoveryService] - ==OWN:BridgeDiscovery:ZB== ... trying to connect gateway ...
08:53:38.251 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee     ] - ##gw-openwebnet-ZB## --TRYING TO CONNECT TO A USB ZigBee gateway--
08:53:38.260 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayZigBee     ] - ##gw-openwebnet-ZB## Finding serial ports...

The two sudo commands fail with

sudo: /etc/init.d/openhab2: command not found
sudo: systemctl: command not found

After the crash I have to go to Synology’s console “Centro Pacchetti” (don’t know how’s called in english) to manually restart OpenHAB.

Please note I don’t have any ZigBee gateway.
