Works With Nest - Deprecating on August 31, 2019

But she’s ecobee have local control?

Some people I agree may be overreacting but for me retaining the ability to control the thermostat (specifically the fan) is my air conditioner. I turn the fan on based on non-nest thermometers, not that best would allow me to do this with even with nest satellite thermometers. So when the API guess down I lose my air conditioner during the hottest month off the year. I can’t stay with nest now, at heart for tstat. I’ll keep the Best Hello since I never have and never expected to be able to integrate it into OH. I’ll do some experiments with OrangeAssist - Google Assistant Integration which I think will let me continue to keep the Best. Everyone on this thread should check it out for sure. But I might just go with a replacement, one that doesn’t require a cloud service.

According to Engaget, IFTTT is not one of the select few third party services that will continue to work with Nest so I would count on that integration working past August. Though Google will often set an end of life deadline and extend it at times and charge plans after an announcement like this.

I did a quick search and Honeywell has a number of zwave thermostats that look good. It’s hard to tell though which if any allow me to control the fan separately. If chose ecobee but it it requires a cloud service if just as soon not run this risk again.