Wrong operation of a rule

I have this rule to activate a door relay but it works once when I charge the rule but it does not work anymore, look if you see the problem
a greeting

import org.openhab.core.library.types.*
import org.openhab.core.persistence.*
import org.openhab.model.script.actions.* 
import org.joda.time.*.

rule "Entrada peatones"

     Item Peatones_Ent changed 
		createTimer(now.plusSeconds(5)) [| Puerta_Parcela.sendCommand(ON) ]
		createTimer(now.plusSeconds(15)) [| Puerta_Parcela.sendCommand(ON) ]


Is there some means to turn Puerta_Parcela OFF? Else it gets turned on once only.

If you are using OH2 you may need to review the imports

Hello, thanks for the response, the door is activated with the relay ON but seeing the log and as I have said it only works the first time I charge the rule. Use OH 1.8.3. a greeting

The question of @rossko57 was: “How is the Item Puerta_Parcela set to OFF after it has been switched to ON by your rule”.

Your rule does Switch this item to ON 3 times (first time immidiatly, second time 5 seconds after art and third time 15 seconds after start). I would assume you don’t “see” the second and third time as well.
Using lines like:

logInfo( "Entrada peatones", "Puerta_Parecela.state: "+ Puerta_Parcela.state)

would give you some Feedback if the rule is triggered at all in the logs!

Hello, now I have heard what you say … the item is a button, I do not know if that will be the problem. A greeting and thanks again.

I don’t now a item-type button in openHAB. Do you mean a switch? A switch holds the state. If you change to ON you have to change also to OFF. The question was, there or how do you do, in a other rule or with expire or manually.
And why do you set 3 times to ON in the rule?
Is there a log-entry that Peatones_Ent was changed?

Hello, I have configured my OH as the wiki says I understand that it will be fine, I put my items and my sitemap, anyway I will try a simple light instead of the door. In any case, I am very bad at English. a greeting


Switch Peatones_Ent	"Entrada peatones"	<person>
Switch	Puerta_Parcela	"Puerta"	<garagedoor>	{binding="xxx", autoupdate="false" }


Switch item=Peatones_Ent label="Entrada peatones" mappings=[ON="Entrar"]

The part “binding=XXX” was just an example and NOT to be used, I wonder what is working on your side!
Which binding is this item bound to?

hello, of course I have put my building (souliss), only the button if it works what does not work is the rule. The link is to the OH wiki where it explains how to make a button. a greeting

The thing is - if OpenHAB turns a switch ON, it stays ON forever. It will not turn ON again if you command it, because it is already ON.

We think you need a method to turn the OpenHAB Item OFF again, in-between the ON commands.

You can do that in the rule,

     Item Peatones_Ent changed 
		createTimer(now.plusSeconds(5)) [|
                     Thread::sleep(1000) ]
		createTimer(now.plusSeconds(15)) [|
                     Thread::sleep(1000) ]

Or, if this Item is only ever needed to be ON for a second or two (like a real push button) you might use the ‘expire’ binding to turn it OFF a few seconds after the last update.

Switch Puerta_Parcela “Puerta” { expire=“2s,command=OFF”, binding=“xxx”, autoupdate=“false” }

EDIT - yes, I forgot to put the OFF sendCommand after each sleep in the example rule!!

hello at the end it has been a mix of the response of @rossko57 with the delays and @opus because by no side did the OFF come out at the end it has stayed that way

import org.openhab.core.library.types.*
import org.openhab.core.persistence.*
import org.openhab.model.script.actions.* 
import org.joda.time.*

rule "Entrada peatones"

     Item Peatones_Ent changed to ON
		createTimer(now.plusSeconds(5)) [|
                     Thread::sleep(1000) ]
		createTimer(now.plusSeconds(15)) [|
                     Thread::sleep(1000) ]