Wrong Zwave device linked


It seems that there is a wrong device being linked to my ZWave Built-in Shade Controller.
The Built-in Shade Controller is linked to this device:
Its a Duwi Built-in Shade Controller. Which is being stated in the database.
But the parameters are from a zwave.me Built-in Shade Controller which is basically the same device from the outside but with different firmware.
The problem now is that the open/close time can’t be set.

I am wondering what is the best approach to get it right. I don’t want to mess up someone else’s install :slight_smile:
Zwave.me has a Manufacturer id of “0115” while Duwi has a Manufacturer id of "0064"
According to: https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/blob/master/config/manufacturer_specific.xml

Shall i simply change the Manufacturer id of “0064” to “0115” in the device in the database and rename it to Zwave.me and create a new device for my Duwi Built-in Shade Controller?

The parameters are set according to: https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/blob/master/config/duwi/ZWESJ300.xml
I know from experience that they work, but how can i set a parameter of: 0x00 in your device database?

Best regards,


I’m not sure I fully understand the issue, but if the device isn’t correct, then we need to fix it. If the information in the database is for the wrong version, then I can change the manufacturer and we can then add the new device - I guess that would solve your problem?

yes that would :slight_smile:

To clarify things:
On the left is the ZWave.me one with Manufacturer id of “0115” thats the one thats currently in your database, only atm its named Reitz-Group.de (thats Duwi if i understand things correctly) with Manufacturer id of “0064”.
So, in my opinion, what should be done is rename the one in your database to “ZWave.me” and change the Manufacturer id to “0115”. Look at the bottom at the Reference Documents section of the device in the database, its from ZWave.me :wink:

According to: https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/blob/master/config/manufacturer_specific.xml the product id and id should be:
Product type=“1000” id=“0003” name=“ZME_06436 Motor Control” config=“zwave.me/ZME_06436.xml

After this i can upload my XML-file and create a Duwi device.


I already went ahead and adjusted
http://www.cd-jackson.com/index.php/zwave/zwave-device-database/zwave-device-list/devicesummary/50 with the correct type and id, could you alter the manufacturer id “0115”?

I also added http://www.cd-jackson.com/index.php/zwave/zwave-device-database/zwave-device-list/devicesummary/563 but i don’t know how to set parameter 0 correctly, could you take a look at it? The parameters are explained in:
http://www.uk-automation.co.uk/content/pdf/DUW_blind.pdf (page 18)

And what is surprising to me is that my new device doesn’t seem to support ‘Always Listening’, ‘Supports Routing’ and ‘Supports Beaming’, its a mains-powered device, and the zwave.me variant does support it, do you know whats up with that? Can it be added?

thanks a bunch!

Thanks. Are you able to upload the manuals to the database - there’s a section toward the bottom that covers reference documents.

Ok will do, did you see my edits to my previous posts? was just typing when you replied :slight_smile:

No - I’m reading this in email, so I don’t see any edits. I’ll try and re-read everything this evening to catch up with edits…

Thanks for the alterations and updates of the Device-Database.
How can i get them into my system?
I removed the thing, uninstalled and reinstalled the Zwave binding and used paper UI to re-discover the thing but its recognized as the same thing as before, not the updated device?


At the moment the build system is broken so there are no updates - hopefully this will be sorted in the near future…

Ok, thanks for the update.
Are the steps i took, the right ones?


Yes - I think it looks ok.

I just did a uninstall/install of the binding, restarted OH2 and even rebooted my OH2 server but the ZWave stick doesn’t come online anymore, is that also because the build-system is broken?
I didn’t change anything else.

This is part of my log:

2017-04-04 08:00:34.733 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - BundleEvent STARTING - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:34.737 [DEBUG] [inding.zwave.internal.ZWaveActivator] - Z-Wave binding started. Version
2017-04-04 08:00:34.946 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.ThingHandlerFactory}={component.name=org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.ZWaveHandlerFactory, component.id=200, service.id=331, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=bundle} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:35.046 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.ConfigOptionProvider, org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.ConfigDescriptionProvider}={component.name=org.openhab.binding.zwave.ConfigDescription, component.id=201, service.id=332, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=bundle} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:35.053 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.core.events.EventFactory}={component.name=org.openhab.binding.zwave.event.BindingEventFactory, component.id=202, service.id=333, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=bundle} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:35.069 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - BundleEvent STARTED - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.622 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Initializing ZWave serial controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:37.634 [DEBUG] [zwave.handler.ZWaveControllerHandler] - Initializing ZWave Controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:37.644 [INFO ] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Connecting to serial port '/dev/ttyUSB-AeonLabs-ZStick'
2017-04-04 08:00:37.737 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Starting receive thread
2017-04-04 08:00:37.741 [INFO ] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - Serial port is initialized
2017-04-04 08:00:37.741 [DEBUG] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Starting ZWave thread: Receive
2017-04-04 08:00:37.744 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=336, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.744 [DEBUG] [zwave.handler.ZWaveControllerHandler] - Initialising ZWave controller
2017-04-04 08:00:37.744 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=337, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.745 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=339, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.745 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=338, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.760 [INFO ] [mmandclass.ZWaveSecurityCommandClass] - Update networkKey
2017-04-04 08:00:37.777 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave controller
2017-04-04 08:00:37.778 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - ZWave timeout is set to 5000ms. Soft reset is false.
2017-04-04 08:00:37.782 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Starting ZWave thread: Send
2017-04-04 08:00:37.784 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave thread: Input
2017-04-04 08:00:37.786 [DEBUG] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - Activating ZWave discovery service for zwave:serial_zstick:b69af0f6
2017-04-04 08:00:37.791 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.DiscoveryService}={service.id=340, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.807 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=341, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.903 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=342, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.948 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=343, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.959 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=344, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:37.979 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=345, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:38.051 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=346, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:38.090 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zwave           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.status.ConfigStatusProvider}={service.id=347, service.bundleid=203, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zwave
2017-04-04 08:00:38.256 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.262 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.264 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 9: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node9:switch_binary --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.265 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.268 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.277 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.280 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.281 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 10: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node10:switch_binary --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.283 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.283 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.285 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 12: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node12:switch_binary --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.286 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.289 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 14: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node14:switch_binary --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.290 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.287 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.291 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.298 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 5: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node5:blinds_control --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.299 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.300 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 6: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node6:switch_binary --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.301 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.304 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.309 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 23: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node23:sensor_binary --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.309 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.311 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 23: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node23:sensor_temperature --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.311 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.312 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 23: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node23:sensor_luminance --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.313 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.314 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 23: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node23:battery-level --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.315 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.324 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.326 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Initializing ZWave thing handler.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.328 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 4: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node4:switch_binary --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.328 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:38.331 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 7: Command received zwave:device:b69af0f6:node7:switch_dimmer --> REFRESH
2017-04-04 08:00:38.332 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - Controller handler not found. Cannot handle command without ZWave controller.
2017-04-04 08:00:40.780 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveController$InitializeDelayTask] - Initialising network
2017-04-04 08:00:40.822 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 1. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:00:40.823 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 0
2017-04-04 08:00:40.830 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2017-04-04 08:00:40.831 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 1. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:00:40.833 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2017-04-04 08:00:40.849 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 2. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:00:40.860 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 3. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:00:40.868 [DEBUG] [rialmessage.GetSucNodeIdMessageClass] - Get SUC NodeID
2017-04-04 08:00:40.869 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 4. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:00:45.843 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 2 attempts left!
2017-04-04 08:00:45.848 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 5. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:00:45.852 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 4
2017-04-04 08:00:45.858 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2017-04-04 08:00:45.861 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2017-04-04 08:00:50.870 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 1 attempts left!
2017-04-04 08:00:50.876 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 5. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:00:50.882 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 4
2017-04-04 08:00:50.889 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2017-04-04 08:00:50.897 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2017-04-04 08:00:55.902 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 0 attempts left!
2017-04-04 08:00:55.907 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 5. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:00:55.912 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 4
2017-04-04 08:00:55.919 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2017-04-04 08:00:55.924 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 15 E9 
2017-04-04 08:01:00.932 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Too many retries. Discarding message: Message: class=GetVersion[0x15], type=Request[0x00], priority=High, dest=255, callback=0, payload=
2017-04-04 08:01:00.937 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 3
2017-04-04 08:01:00.945 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2017-04-04 08:01:00.949 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2017-04-04 08:01:05.952 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 2 attempts left!
2017-04-04 08:01:05.958 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 4. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:01:05.962 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 3
2017-04-04 08:01:05.970 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2017-04-04 08:01:05.977 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2017-04-04 08:01:10.981 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 1 attempts left!
2017-04-04 08:01:10.986 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 4. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:01:10.991 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 3
2017-04-04 08:01:10.998 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2017-04-04 08:01:11.002 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2017-04-04 08:01:16.005 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 0 attempts left!
2017-04-04 08:01:16.011 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 4. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:01:16.016 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 3
2017-04-04 08:01:16.025 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2017-04-04 08:01:16.031 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 20 DC 
2017-04-04 08:01:21.041 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Too many retries. Discarding message: Message: class=MemoryGetId[0x20], type=Request[0x00], priority=High, dest=255, callback=0, payload=
2017-04-04 08:01:21.050 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 2
2017-04-04 08:01:21.054 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2017-04-04 08:01:21.057 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2017-04-04 08:01:26.060 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 2 attempts left!
2017-04-04 08:01:26.065 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 3. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:01:26.070 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 2
2017-04-04 08:01:26.077 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2017-04-04 08:01:26.084 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2017-04-04 08:01:31.090 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 1 attempts left!
2017-04-04 08:01:31.096 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 3. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:01:31.102 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 2
2017-04-04 08:01:31.105 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2017-04-04 08:01:31.108 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2017-04-04 08:01:34.296 [INFO ] [tzboxtr064.internal.PhonebookManager] - Downloading phonebook ID 0
2017-04-04 08:01:35.256 [INFO ] [g.fritzboxtr064.internal.CallMonitor] - Callmonitor Thread [257] attempting connection to FritzBox on
2017-04-04 08:01:35.259 [INFO ] [g.fritzboxtr064.internal.CallMonitor] - Connected to FritzBox on
2017-04-04 08:01:36.112 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - NODE 255: Timeout while sending message. Requeueing - 0 attempts left!
2017-04-04 08:01:36.117 [DEBUG] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Message queued. Queue length = 3. Queue={}
2017-04-04 08:01:36.121 [DEBUG] [ocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveSendThread] - Took message from queue for sending. Queue length = 2
2017-04-04 08:01:36.128 [DEBUG] [wave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage] - Assembled message buffer = 01 03 00 07 FB 
2017-04-04 08:01:36.129 [DEBUG] [ing.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler] - NODE 255: Sending REQUEST Message = 01 03 00 07 FB 


I’m not sure why this would happen - it just looks like the serial port isn’t communicating to the controller stick but I don’t know why. I would remove the stick from the PC and add it back to make sure it’s not that, but otherwise I don’t know. Nothing has changed in the binding - maybe it’s related to the build problems, but I’m not really sure…

Thanks Chris,
Pulling the Z-Stick out and back and and then restarting OH2 did the trick!
Dunno why did happened,


Not sure if I understood the solution here. It seams that I have a similar issue with a ECO Home MH7H-ED.

Thats the output from HABMIN
Hersteller 015f: McoHome Technology Co., Ltd
Typ-Kennzeichen: 0702:5102
Firmeware-Version: 2.6

Although Typ id match with the database values I believe I got my device mapped with a standard MH7 entry, because I am missing several channels such as “sensor_relhumidity”.

How can I solve this issue.

What version of openhab are you using? Maybe it’s too old to have the latest device configuration.

I am using Openhab 2.2.0 with zwave-binding from the online repository

I suspect this version is just too old and I’d suggest to change to use a recent snapshot of the binding at least (it might require a full upgrade to the snapshot branch due to recent breaking changes in the runtime).