XBMC/Kodi not working

  • Openhab 1.8.1 (although was also broken in 1.7)
    • Both org.openhab.action.xbmc-1.8.1.jar and org.openhab.binding.xbmc-1.8.1.jar are in addons/
  • Kodi 16.0 (although this has been broken since 15.x for me)…

Addons.cfg openhab.cfg:

######################## XBMC Binding ###########################

xbmc:tvroom.rsPort=80         # Port number for the json rpc service
xbmc:tvroom.wsPort=9090       # Port number for the web socket service

In Kodi, both the HTTP webserver and “allow other programs/services/etc” setting is checked


root@918197add860:/opt/openhab/logs# cat openhab.log  | grep -i xbmc
2016-03-13 19:12:53.806 [DEBUG] [.a.xbmc.internal.XBMCActivator] - XBMC action has been started.
2016-03-13 19:12:54.508 [DEBUG] [.b.xbmc.internal.XbmcActivator] - XBMC binding has been started
2016-03-13 19:12:54.595 [TRACE] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - Attempting to access the named instance 'tvroom' before the binding config has been loaded
2016-03-13 19:12:54.599 [TRACE] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - Attempting to access the named instance 'tvroom' before the binding config has been loaded
2016-03-13 19:12:54.603 [DEBUG] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - XBMC Refresh Service activate()
2016-03-13 19:12:54.608 [INFO ] [.service.AbstractActiveService] - XBMC Refresh Service has been started
2016-03-13 19:12:54.610 [DEBUG] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - XBMC Refresh Service updated()
2016-03-13 19:14:19.095 [TRACE] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - Attempting to access the named instance 'tvroom' before the binding config has been loaded
2016-03-13 19:14:19.098 [WARN ] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - Received command (1) for item itm_tv_room_XBMC_Volume but no XBMC connector found for #tvroom, ignoring
2016-03-13 19:14:19.291 [TRACE] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - Attempting to access the named instance 'tvroom' before the binding config has been loaded
2016-03-13 19:14:19.294 [WARN ] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - Received command (46) for item itm_tv_room_XBMC_Volume but no XBMC connector found for #tvroom, ignoring
2016-03-13 19:14:19.339 [TRACE] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - Attempting to access the named instance 'tvroom' before the binding config has been loaded
2016-03-13 19:14:19.341 [WARN ] [b.x.internal.XbmcActiveBinding] - Received command (46) for item itm_tv_room_XBMC_Volume but no XBMC connector found for #tvroom, ignoring

Shouldn’t this be openhab.cfg?

Oh yeah, sorry - typo. That is from my openhab.cfg

Is other config correctly being loaded/used from this file? Looks like that XBMC config is not being picked up for some reason.

Yeah other configs are loading okay… things both above it and below it are loaded correctly.

I think it my have been my comments after the ports:

I just deleted them, and now I get a nice “Creating new XbmcConnector for ‘#tvroom’ on” message :slight_smile:

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Ho do i enable debug on this binding? I have mine installed and all i get is connection failed :frowning: Kodi 16.1 and 1.8.3 binding

In your logback.xml, add:

<logger name="org.openhab.action.xbmc" level="TRACE"/>
<logger name="org.openhab.binding.xbmc" level="TRACE"/>


I have the same issue. Did you ever get this working?


Yeah, I just had to remove comments after my host/port mappings, and it worked