Hi guys.
I don’t what I’m doing wrong but although I can see all my xiaomi devices in the paper UI, I can’t control them from it.
If I open a door, the openhab receives that info and updates the state, but if I try to send a command through the control of the paper UI, nothing happens…
Also, if I turn on the gateway light through the Mi Home app, I can see the paper UI changing.
I’ve tried to set some rules but nothing happens.
It seems the information is only travelling one way: from the gateway to the openhab.
Can anyone help me? I’m a newbie and I don’t know anything about code or programming… I’m still thinking how I got here!!
Thank you!!
As I understand it, you’re really not supposed to control anything via the Paper UI. It’s mostly for configuration. Use one of the other UIs for controlling things.
I can’t help and it does indeed seem like something is not working quite right.
While what namraccr says is true and that PaperUI is not intended to be used to control things, it should still work for you to send commands to devices from the Control page for those Thing’s Channels that are linked to Items.
I don’t know anything about Xiaomi so can’t really help. All I can recommend is looking at the logs and see if there is an error or some other statement that might explain what is going on.
Good luck!
Maybe the threadstarter has already found it :
If you want to control Xiaomi smarthome devices you need to enter the gateway’s developer key into the gateway / bridge configuration. Without it updates sent to the gateways are ignored.
The binding documentation gives details ow to find the developer key:
is there a solution for 2021, cant get developer key