I have recently bought one of these as well and getting the data through Bluetooth binding.does anybody know the unit of the different values provided by this device?
I mean moisture - is this percent (currently 41)?
How about fertility? What’s the maximum and the minimum value?
Thanks in advance
Temperatur is degree celsius. Humdidity is percent. Fertility is µs/cm, Sunlight i don’t know. And in addition i do not know the min and max values.
Thanks a lot!
Got a batch of Bluetooth Sensors as well and wanted to connect them,
seems the Miflora MQTT Daemon is not compatible with Openhab 2.5 Embedded Moquette MQTT Broker, i get a
Broker doesn't permit MQTT empty client ID. Username: mqtt, channel
Seems unlike e.g. Mosquito Moquette doesnt generate ClientID’s when none is passed, and the Miflora MQTT Daemon is missing the config to set one, haven’t figured out yet how to include that
According to this post by @rlkoshak the internal mosquitto broker is not maintained at the moment and it is therefore suggested to use alternative external broker
I get the warning too, but it doesn’t matter. It’s just a hint and it still works.
Which version of the paho-mqtt
package is installed?
Command to determine the version: pip3 show paho-mqtt
The 1.4.0 should be installed.
@Lionello_Marrelli Thanks for pointing that out, i wasn’t aware of that,
seems all the components i want to utilize are either abandonen, experimental or broken, would be great if something like that would also be indicated in the documentation…
@mas for me it doesnt seem to work, i don’t get any data from the Miflora Daemon into OH, my milight bridge works though without issue.
the pip3 show paho-mqtt
doesnt show anything for me, it runs a couple seconds but doesnt serve a result…
Note, i got all components on the same Raspbian installation running, don’t know if that makes a difference
I tried “teaching” the MQTT Daemon to transmit a clientID, but didnt have any luck yet, never worked with python before…
Does this mean that you have both the openhab internal mosquitto broker and the openhab mosquitto client binding installed and correctly working?
If this is so you have to
- uninstall the openhab internal mosquitto broker
- install the mosquitto broker on raspberry
- check if your openhab and milight bridge communicate
- test if miflora-mqtt-daemon sends mqtt messages to the new broker
- test if the things and items configuration for miflora are correct
If you wish more help, you need to be more specific and show your things and items configurations, possibly in a dedicated new thread.
i use the internal Moquette Broker, i did not require the MQTT binding before, i just installed it for Miflora now.
The ESP based milight bridge utilizes the EspMilightHub new binding for milight limitlessLED and easybulb binding
I’ll give it a try with Mosquitto as Broker, seems to be better choice anyhow given the circumstance, will post an update once i tried it.
Hi Thomas,
As an openhab2 newb i have been trying to get the notifications to work for my miflower sensors and i used your posted code. Thanks for that.
I have everything up and running and im reading my sensor data perfect. I see them all on my sitemap.
I am however struggeling with the rule and i cant get the status check to be filled. it keeps giving a No Data message .
Im hoping you can help because im lost. Im not getting any errors except these when i’ve updated my CheckPlantStatusRules.rules:
Validation issues found in configuration model ‘CheckPlantStatus.rules’, using it anyway:
The field Tmp_CheckPlantStatusRules.PlantDataMap refers to the missing type Object
The field Tmp_CheckPlantStatusRules.PlantDataMap refers to the missing type Object
The field Tmp_CheckPlantStatusRules.PlantDataMap refers to the missing type Object
The field Tmp_CheckPlantStatusRules.PlantDataMap refers to the missing type Object.
This is how my items file is build:
// MiFlora sensor at Phlebodium- Fern Blue Star C4:7C:8D:67:BA:A6
// Required values
// Temperature: 10,0 - 35,0°C
// Conductivity: 350 - 2000µs/cm
// Moisture: 20 - 55%
Group FernBlueStar "Fern Blue Star livingroom" <weather_pollen> (PlantThings)
DateTime FernBlueStar_Brightness "Last update time Fern Blue Star [%1$ta %1$tR]" <time> (FernBlueStar) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.timestamp)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Brightness "Light Intensity Fern Blue Star [%d Lux]" <light> (FernBlueStar, PlantBrightness) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.light)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Temperature "Temperature Fern Blue Star [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (FernBlueStar, PlantTemperature) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.temperature)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Conductivity "Soil Fertility Fern Blue Star [%d µS/cm]" <lawnmower> (FernBlueStar, PlantConductivity) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.conductivity)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Moisture "Soil Moisture Fern Blue Star [%d %%]" <rain> (FernBlueStar, PlantMoisture) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.moisture)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_BatteryLevel "Battery level Fern Blue Star [%d %%]" <battery> (FernBlueStar, BatteryLevel) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.battery)]"}
Switch FernBlueStar_Battery "Battery Fern Blue Star [MAP(battery.map):%s]" <battery> (FernBlueStar, Batteries) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JS(battery2switch.js)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Status "Fern Blue Star [MAP(plantstatus.map):%s]" <status> (FernBlueStar, PlantStatus)
my groups are made in a separate file called plants.item:
Group Plants "Plants" <vacation> (Context)
Group PlantThings "Plants" <lawnmower> (Plants)
Group PlantMonitoring "Plantdata" <lawnmower> (Plants)
Group PlantMoisture "Soil Moisture" <rain> (PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantConductivity "Soil Fertility" <lawnmower> (PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantTemperature "Temperature" <temperature> (PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantBrightness "Light Intensity" <light> (PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantStatus "Status" <weather_pollen> (PlantMonitoring)
I used your rules file and modified with my naming:
// Constants and variables
// Values are taken from the Miflora app
val Map<String, Double> PlantDataMap = newHashMap (
"FernBlueStar_Moisture_Min" -> 15.0, "FernBlueStar_Moisture_Max" -> 60.0, "FernBlueStar_Conductivity_Min" -> 350.0, "FernBlueStar_Conductivity_Max" -> 2000.0
// "GF_LR_DypsisLutescens_Moisture_Min" -> 15.0, "GF_LR_DypsisLutescens_Moisture_Max" -> 60.0, "GF_LR_DypsisLutescens_Conductivity_Min" -> 350.0, "GF_LR_DypsisLutescens_Conductivity_Max" -> 2000.0,
// "GF_LR_PterisCretica_Moisture_Min" -> 15.0, "GF_LR_PterisCretica_Moisture_Max" -> 60.0, "GF_LR_PterisCretica_Conductivity_Min" -> 350.0, "GF_LR_PterisCretica_Conductivity_Max" -> 1500.0,
// "GF_LR_PhlebodiumAureum_Moisture_Min" -> 15.0, "GF_LR_PhlebodiumAureum_Moisture_Max" -> 60.0, "GF_LR_PhlebodiumAureum_Conductivity_Min" -> 350.0, "GF_LR_PhlebodiumAureum_Conductivity_Max" -> 2000.0,
// "GF_BR_CyperusAlternifolius_Moisture_Min" -> 15.0, "GF_BR_CyperusAlternifolius_Moisture_Max" -> 60.0, "GF_BR_CyperusAlternifolius_Conductivity_Min" -> 350.0, "GF_BR_CyperusAlternifolius_Conductivity_Max" -> 2000.0,
// "GF_BR_CalatheaZebrina_Moisture_Min" -> 15.0, "GF_BR_CalatheaZebrina_Moisture_Max" -> 65.0, "GF_BR_CalatheaZebrina_Conductivity_Min" -> 350.0, "GF_BR_CalatheaZebrina_Conductivity_Max" -> 1000.0
// Rule: Check the plant status watering and fertilisation every hour and update the status flag
rule "Check Plant Status"
Time cron "0 0 * ? * *" //every Hour
PlantThings.members.forEach[ Plant |
var ActualMoisture = PlantMoisture.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plant.name+"_Moisture"].head.state as DecimalType
var ActualConductivity = PlantConductivity.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plant.name+"_Conductivity"].head.state as DecimalType
var ActualStatus = 0
if (ActualMoisture <= PlantDataMap.get(Plant.name+"_Moisture_Min")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 1
if (ActualMoisture > PlantDataMap.get(Plant.name+"_Moisture_Max")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 4
if (ActualConductivity <= PlantDataMap.get(Plant.name+"_Conductivity_Min")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 2
if (ActualConductivity > PlantDataMap.get(Plant.name+"_Conductivity_Max")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 8
PlantStatus.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plant.name+"_Status"].head.postUpdate(ActualStatus)
logInfo("rule.CheckPlantStatus", "Update status of {} to {}", Plant.name, transform("MAP", "plantstatus.map", ActualStatus.toString))
and the transformation files are there as well (wont post them because they are basically the same and working.
im not sure if the validation issues are the problem but i’m kinda stuck at this point. I was hoping you could help out.
Thanks in advance.
I am not a java expert at all, but maybe you miss some import statements,
(this is based on a rule that I copied from this forum, using hashmaps)
import org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.ScriptServiceUtil
import java.util.HashMap
import java.util.ArrayList
Thanks Lionello for taking time too look into this.
Unfortunately i dont think thats it. Tried it though but had no luck with it.
Get the messages that those are never used once i added them to the rules file.
The import 'java.util.HashMap' is never used.
The import 'org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.ScriptServiceUtil' is never used.
The import 'java.util.ArrayList' is never used.
To be honest, i reworked my whole plat staff, but lets see if we can fix the problem.
Lets us start from the beginning of the rule. You should add some log statements.
First should be directly after start of the loop. a simple
logInfo("Debugging", "{}", Plant.name.toString)
This should us give a list of all plants. And by the way while testing your cron statement could trigger a little more often
Next log line after the var stetment
logInfo("Debugging", "Moisture: {}; Conductivity: {}", ActualMoisture, ActualConductivity)
And another question do you get soms log lines from the last logIbfo statement in the rule?
After these results we make some more steps
Hi Thomas,
Great, all help is very welcome. This is wrecking my head.
I eliminated the cron for testing purposes and added a switch to trigger the rule. Gives me a bit more controle
First of all, i added
import java.util.Map to my rules ( this got rid of the errors: The field Tmp_CheckPlantStatusRules.PlantDataMap refers to the missing type Object)
I then added the debugging code as you can see below.
rule "Check Plant Status"
// Time cron "0 0 * ? * *" //every Hour
Item testswitch changed to ON
logInfo("Debugging", "{}", Plants.name.toString)
PlantThings.members.forEach[ Plants |
logInfo("step 1")
var ActualMoisture = PlantMoisture.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Moisture"].head.state as DecimalType
var ActualConductivity = PlantConductivity.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Conductivity"].head.state as DecimalType
var ActualStatus = 0
logInfo("Debugging", "Moisture: {}; Conductivity: {}", ActualMoisture, ActualConductivity)
if (ActualMoisture <= PlantDataMap.get(Plants.name+"_Moisture_Min")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 1
When i have done that i see this in my logviewer:
2020-01-23 11:35:08.986 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - Plants
2020-01-23 11:35:08.993 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule ‘Check Plant Status’: index=1, size=1
thats it. nothing else happens. Im beginning to think it is not parsing the plants based on the group Plants since nothing else happen
My plant grouping looks like this. Could that be a problem?
Group Plants "Plants" <vacation> (Context)
Group PlantThings "Plants" <lawnmower> (Plants)
Group PlantMonitoring "Plantdata" <lawnmower> (PlantThings)
Group PlantMoisture "Soil Moisture" <rain> (PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantConductivity "Soil Fertility" <lawnmower> (PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantTemperature "Temperature" <temperature> (PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantBrightness "Light Intensity" <light> (PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantStatus "Status" <weather_pollen> (PlantMonitoring)
Ok, The errors are ok, because we didi something wrong :-). Change the script as shown below.
rule "Check Plant Status"
// Time cron "0 0 * ? * *" //every Hour
Item testswitch changed to ON
logInfo("Debugging", "Plant status update started")
PlantThings.members.forEach[ Plants |
logInfo("Debugging", "{}", Plants.name.toString)
var ActualMoisture = PlantMoisture.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Moisture"].head.state as DecimalType
var ActualConductivity = PlantConductivity.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Conductivity"].head.state as DecimalType
var ActualStatus = 0
logInfo("Debugging", "Moisture: {}; Conductivity: {}", ActualMoisture, ActualConductivity)
if (ActualMoisture <= PlantDataMap.get(Plants.name+"_Moisture_Min")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 1
We should now se a line with “Plant status update started” and then more line with the plant names.
Adding the map was pretty good and how many plants are in the system?
Hi Thomas,
At the moment i have 1 plant. i am ready to add more however i wanted a working baseline before moving ahead.
I changed the script accordingly and now i am getting below messages
2020-01-23 19:59:38.264 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - Plant status update started
2020-01-23 19:59:38.271 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - PlantMonitoring
2020-01-23 19:59:38.283 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'Check Plant Status': cannot invoke method public abstract org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.State org.eclipse.smarthome.core.items.Item.getState() on null
HM, not so easy to find the problem. Ti find the problem i would suggest to minimize the rule by commenting out everything that is not needed. Our goal is to make the foreach loop running and then fill it with more code step by step.
Should look like this
rule "Check Plant Status"
Item testswitch changed to ON
logInfo("Debugging", "Plant status update started")
PlantThings.members.forEach[ Plant |
logInfo("Debugging", "{}", Plant.name.toString)
Another option is too comment the whole rule and use this snippet as a new one
Okay, i feel we are getting further.
i made some changes on several spots. first, i added the planthings group to the .items file. This was a hunch because i read somewhere that group hierarchy isn’t implicit. i also added a second plant for testing purposes.
so my items now looks like this:
Group FernBlueStar "Fern Blue Star livingroom" <weather_pollen> (Plants)
DateTime FernBlueStar_Brightness "Last update time Fern Blue Star [%1$ta %1$tR]" <time> (FernBlueStar) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.timestamp)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Brightness "Light Intensity Fern Blue Star [%d Lux]" <light> (FernBlueStar, PlantBrightness, PlantThings) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.light)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Temperature "Temperature Fern Blue Star [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (FernBlueStar, PlantTemperature, PlantThings) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.temperature)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Conductivity "Soil Fertility Fern Blue Star [%d µS/cm]" <lawnmower> (FernBlueStar, PlantConductivity, PlantThings) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.conductivity)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Moisture "Soil Moisture Fern Blue Star [%d %%]" <rain> (FernBlueStar, PlantMoisture, PlantThings) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.moisture)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_BatteryLevel "Battery level Fern Blue Star [%d %%]" <battery> (FernBlueStar, BatteryLevel, PlantThings) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.battery)]"}
Switch FernBlueStar_Battery "Battery Fern Blue Star [MAP(battery.map):%s]" <battery> (FernBlueStar, Batteries, PlantThings) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JS(battery2switch.js)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Status "Fern Blue Star [MAP(plantstatus.map):%s]" <status> (FernBlueStar, PlantStatus, PlantThings)
after i have done that i used the follow rule file to test:
rule "Check Plant Status"
Item testswitch changed to ON
logInfo("Debugging", "Plant status update started")
PlantThings.members.forEach[ Plants |
logInfo("Debugging", "{}", Plants.name.toString)
// var ActualMoisture = PlantMoisture.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Moisture"].head.state as DecimalType
// var ActualConductivity = PlantConductivity.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Conductivity"].head.state as DecimalType
// var ActualStatus = 0
// logInfo("Debugging", "Moisture: {}; Conductivity: {}", ActualMoisture, ActualConductivity)
now runing the rules gives the follow log result:
2020-01-24 09:38:22.886 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - Plant status update started
2020-01-24 09:38:22.893 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - PlantMonitoring
2020-01-24 09:38:22.898 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - FernBlueStar_Brightness
2020-01-24 09:38:22.903 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - FernBlueStar_Temperature
2020-01-24 09:38:22.908 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - FernBlueStar_Conductivity
2020-01-24 09:38:22.913 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - FernBlueStar_Moisture
2020-01-24 09:38:22.918 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - FernBlueStar_BatteryLevel
2020-01-24 09:38:22.924 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - FernBlueStar_Battery
2020-01-24 09:38:22.928 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - FernBlueStar_Status
2020-01-24 09:38:22.933 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - plant2_Brightness
2020-01-24 09:38:22.937 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - plant2_Temperature
2020-01-24 09:38:22.942 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - plant2_Conductivity
2020-01-24 09:38:22.947 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - plant2_Moisture
2020-01-24 09:38:22.953 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - plant2_BatteryLevel
2020-01-24 09:38:22.958 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - plant2_Battery
2020-01-24 09:38:22.962 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - plant2_Status
I think this is what we should expect.
theni adjusted the rule file so one var is declared with the debug rule which i think should show that var.
.rule now looks like this:
rule "Check Plant Status"
Item testswitch changed to ON
logInfo("Debugging", "Plant status update started")
PlantThings.members.forEach[ Plants |
logInfo("Debugging", "{}", Plants.name.toString)
var ActualMoisture = PlantMoisture.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Moisture"].head.state as DecimalType
// var ActualConductivity = PlantConductivity.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Conductivity"].head.state as DecimalType
// var ActualStatus = 0
logInfo("Debugging", "Moisture: {}; Conductivity: {}", ActualMoisture, ActualConductivity)
running the rule like this gives an log error:
2020-01-24 09:41:26.769 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - Plant status update started
2020-01-24 09:41:26.775 [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.Debugging] - PlantMonitoring
2020-01-24 09:41:26.789 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'Check Plant Status': cannot invoke method public abstract org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.State org.eclipse.smarthome.core.items.Item.getState() on null
So somehow the debugging doens’t show the plantsthings anymore and throws a new error.
one step further but not there
Ok, the idea is iterate trough all plants, take the specific data and calculate the status.
Your group and item structure is not correct at the moment. It should be like this
Group PlantThings "Group that contains all plants"
Group PlantStatus "Group that contains all status items"
Group PlantMoisture "Group that contains all moisture items"
Group PlantConductivity "Group that contains all conductivity items"
Group FernBlueStar "Fern Blue Star livingroom" <weather_pollen> (PlantThings)
DateTime FernBlueStar_LastUpdate "Last update time Fern Blue Star [%1$ta %1$tR]" <time> (FernBlueStar) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.timestamp)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Brightness "Light Intensity Fern Blue Star [%d Lux]" <light> (FernBlueStar) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.light)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Temperature "Temperature Fern Blue Star [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (FernBlueStar) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.temperature)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Conductivity "Soil Fertility Fern Blue Star [%d µS/cm]" <lawnmower> (FernBlueStar, PlantConductivity) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.conductivity)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Moisture "Soil Moisture Fern Blue Star [%d %%]" <rain> (FernBlueStar, PlantMoisture) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.moisture)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_BatteryLevel "Battery level Fern Blue Star [%d %%]" <battery> (FernBlueStar, BatteryLevel) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.battery)]"}
Switch FernBlueStar_Battery "Battery Fern Blue Star [MAP(battery.map):%s]" <battery> (FernBlueStar, Batteries) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JS(battery2switch.js)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Status "Fern Blue Star [MAP(plantstatus.map):%s]" <status> (FernBlueStar, PlantStatus)
rule "Check Plant Status"
Item testswitch changed to ON
logInfo("Debugging", "Plant status update started")
PlantThings.members.forEach[ Plant |
logInfo("Debugging", "{}", Plant.name.toString)
The groupstrcuture is now as follows.
PlantThings contains all Groups the define a Plant like FernBlueStar and FernBlueStar contains all items that belong to that specific plant. The Moisture, status and conductivity group contain all items of the type.
Now our loop is able to iterate trough the plants.
Please try it
Hi Thomas,
Sorry for not coming back on this earlier but it took some time too test and understand everything that was happening.
What a victory got it working like a charm now after some more step by step debugging. Your group layout pointed me to the right setup.
I think i also know where i went wrong.
1st - This might be a rookie mistake but…i used a group Plants in my group.items file. it seems that this group is not activated when its not called in the same file. dont really understand this but when i declared a group plants in the group file it was never populated eventhough the plant in the separate .items file was assigned to the plants group. The moment i declared the plants group in plants.items file it was populated with, in my case a FernBlueStar.
2nd - its maybe because of your different group setup ( ill have to look tat that later) but i changed the rule line:
PlantThings.members.forEach[ Plants |
Plants.members.forEach[ Plants |
The plantthings wasn’t populated with the plantnames which as a result wouldn’t construct a proper, lets call it look up name, for the plant in conjunction with the measure. Result: it wouldn’t return a value .
For other who want to set this up:
my rule now looks like this:
rule "Check Plant Status"
Item testswitch changed to ON
//Time cron "0 0/30 * 1/1 * ? *" //every half hour
logInfo("Debugging", "Plant status update started")
Plants.members.forEach[ Plants |
logInfo("Debugging 1", "{}", Plants.name)
var nametest = Plants.name+"_Moisture"
var ActualMoisture = PlantMoisture.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Moisture" ].head.state as DecimalType
var ActualConductivity = PlantConductivity.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Conductivity"].head.state as DecimalType
var ActualStatus = 0
logInfo("Debugging 2", "nametest: {}", nametest)
logInfo("Debugging 3", "Moisture: {}", ActualMoisture)
logInfo("Debugging", "Moisture: {}; Conductivity: {}", ActualMoisture, ActualConductivity)
if (ActualMoisture <= PlantDataMap.get(Plants.name+"_Moisture_Min")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 1
if (ActualMoisture > PlantDataMap.get(Plants.name+"_Moisture_Max")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 4
if (ActualConductivity <= PlantDataMap.get(Plants.name+"_Conductivity_Min")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 2
if (ActualConductivity > PlantDataMap.get(Plants.name+"_Conductivity_Max")) {
ActualStatus = ActualStatus + 8
PlantStatus.members.filter[ pm | pm.name == Plants.name+"_Status"].head.postUpdate(ActualStatus)
logInfo("rule.CheckPlantStatus", "Update status of {} to {}", Plants.name, transform("MAP", "plantstatus.map", ActualStatus.toString))
My plants.items now looks like this:
Group Plants
Group FernBlueStar "Fern Blue Star livingroom" <weather_pollen> (Plants)
DateTime FernBlueStar_update "Last update time Fern Blue Star [%1$ta %1$tR]" <time> (FernBlueStar) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.timestamp)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Brightness "Light Intensity Fern Blue Star [%d Lux]" <light> (FernBlueStar) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.light)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Temperature "Temperature Fern Blue Star [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (FernBlueStar) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.temperature)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Conductivity "Soil Fertility Fern Blue Star [%d µS/cm]" <lawnmower> (FernBlueStar, PlantConductivity) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.conductivity)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Moisture "Soil Moisture Fern Blue Star [%d %%]" <rain> (FernBlueStar, PlantMoisture) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.moisture)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_BatteryLevel "Battery level Fern Blue Star [%d %%]" <battery> (FernBlueStar, BatteryLevel) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JSONPATH($.battery)]"}
Switch FernBlueStar_Battery "Battery Fern Blue Star [MAP(battery.map):%s]" <battery> (FernBlueStar, Batteries) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:miflora/Fern-Blue_Star:state:JS(battery2switch.js)]"}
Number FernBlueStar_Status "Status Fern Blue Star [MAP(plantstatus.map):%s]" <status> (FernBlueStar, PlantStatus)
and i have a separate group.items file that looks like this:
//Group Plants "plants" declared in Plants.items
Group PlantMonitoring "Monitoring"
Group PlantThings "Plants" <lawnmower>
Group PlantMoisture "Soil Moisture" <rain> (PlantThings, PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantConductivity "Soil Fertility" <lawnmower> (PlantThings, PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantTemperature "Temperature" <temperature> (PlantThings, PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantBrightness "Light Intensity" <light> (PlantMonitoring)
Group PlantStatus "Status" <weather_pollen> (PlantMonitoring)
Thomas, I really would like to thank you for helping with this. Its much appreciated. I see that i have still a lot to learn in Openhab but i feel that i’m getting there.
I think ill be able to continue building on this. My goal is to get a WAF solution that, based on this will sent out a notification which plants need attention.