Hi. This thread is slowly becoming big, and complex with many solutions. Could anyone clean it up and make a step by step guide? Also is there a binding or something in the works to make it easier? Id like to get it to work with a rpi 1 but its kinda complex reading bits of a forum. Thanks!
Iâm having a lot of stuff at work and at home (moving to a new house), wonât be able to support any of this until the middle of march.
Thanks for your reply even you are in such busy status,
except the auto generate items part,
everything works like a charm,
Thanks for your hardwork and have a nice day~
I think this little toy works good with MQTT,
just sometimes revert data will have mess data,like below,
connect: Device or resource busy (16)
connect: Device or resource busy (16)
connect: Device or resource busy (16)
connect: Device or resource busy (16)
Temperature: 4804.2
Moisture: 136
Light: 61149
Conductivity: 26231
Battery: 100
I use @Seaside 's code and add some filter, as I am donât really know how to coding, I just modify a little
I modify the code from line 25
if (( $(echo "$TEMP0 < 80" |bc -l ) )); then
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $TEMP0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/temp -q 1
if [ "$MOIST0" -lt 80 ]; then
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $MOIST0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/moist -q 1
if [ "$LIGHT0" -lt 10000 ]; then
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $LIGHT0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/light -q 1
if [ "$COND0" -lt 500 ]; then
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $COND0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/cond -q 1
if [ "$BATTERY0" -lt 101 ]; then
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $BATTERY0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/battery -q 1
so bash wonât post incorrect data to openhab for storage.
below are original code, so basicly by pass the middle command
run sproute.sh -l at first time,
than set time schedule by crontab -e
add */45 * * * * /home/pi/sproute/sproute2.sh -p
which mean update every 45 mins
#!/bin/bash -
#sproute.sh -l - Will list all mac-addresses with Mi Flower
#sproute.sh -o - Will generate Openhab items calling java program
#sproute.sh -p - Will poll and publish data using mqtt
plantCheck() {
LOGROW=`python3 $CHECK_PLANT "${plant_mac}"`
echo $LOGROW >> "/var/log/plant.${plant_log_suffix}.log"
TEMP0=`echo $LOGROW | awk '{print $4}'`
MOIST0=`echo $LOGROW | awk '{print $6}'`
LIGHT0=`echo $LOGROW | awk '{print $8}'`
COND0=`echo $LOGROW | awk '{print $10}'`
BATTERY0=`echo $LOGROW | awk '{print $12}'`
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $TEMP0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/temp -q 1
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $MOIST0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/moist -q 1
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $LIGHT0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/light -q 1
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $COND0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/cond -q 1
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $BATTERY0 -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/battery -q 1
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m ${plant_moist_low} -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/moistlow -q 1
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m ${plant_moist_high} -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/moisthigh -q 1
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m ${plant_conductivity_low} -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/condlow -q 1
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m ${plant_conductivity_high} -t plants/"${plant_name,,}"/condhigh -q 1
echo "Published ${plant_log_suffix}: TEMP=$TEMP0 MOIST=$MOIST0 LIGHT=$LIGHT0 COND=$COND0 BATTERY=$BATTERY0"
echo "Published COND_LOW=${plant_conductivity_low} COND_HIGH=${plant_conductivity_high}"
sleep 10
MILLIS=`date +%s%N | cut -b1-13`
mosquitto_pub -h $MOSQ_SERVER -m $MILLIS -t plants/update -q 1
readPlantConfig() {
if [ -f "$configFile" ]; then
echo "$configFile found."
while IFS='=' read -r key value
key=$(echo $key | tr '.' '_')
eval "${key}='${value}'"
done < "$configFile"
echo "Plant name = " ${plant_name}
echo "MacAddress = " ${plant_mac}
echo "$configFile not found."
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "sproute.sh -l - Will list all mac-addresses with Mi Flower"
echo "sproute.sh -o - Will generate Openhab items calling java program"
echo "sproute.sh -p - Will poll and publish data using mqtt"
while getopts 'lofp' flag; do
case "${flag}" in
l) lflag='true' ;;
o) oflag='true' ;;
p) pflag='true' ;;
f) files="${OPTARG}" ;;
*) error "Unexpected option ${flag}" ;;
if [ "$lflag" == "true" ]; then
echo "Searching for mi flower firmware 2.6.6"
##Hack to restart hci, when kill will stop working otherwise
sudo hciconfig hci0 down
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
# End Hack
sudo hcitool lescan> $SCAN_RESULT_FILE &
sleep 5
sudo pkill --signal SIGINT hcitool
sudo hciconfig hci0 down
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
result=$(sudo timeout 5s hcitool lescan)
##Hack to restart hci, when kill will stop working otherwise
sudo hciconfig hci0 down
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
# End Hack
echo "Firmware 2.6.6"
sudo cat $SCAN_RESULT_FILE |grep "Flower care"
echo "Firmware 2.6.2"
sudo cat $SCAN_RESULT_FILE |grep "Flower mate"
if [ "$oflag" == "true" ]; then
echo "Wrote $PLANT_ITEMS_FILE"
if [ "$pflag" == "true" ]; then
for i in $PLANT_FILES; do
readPlantConfig $i
Just out of curiousity, could you share the icons you use in your items file? This would make setting up a nice UI easier
Hi I see that you managed to get your sensor working. I am new to openhab so I would like to ask if you could share what needs to be done on the openhab side when I got sproute.sh working?
you need to first confirm the server for connect with miflora have bluetooth ability and confirm itâs able to use
after that is quite simple, just follow the step of @Seaside showing,
the instruction from Seaside I found difficult on running his code sproute.sh, first you need to edit the top few line to match your server config, than you can run sproute.sh -l for search miflora device and sproute.sh -p for post mqtt,
so only thing need to do manual is setup items file, you can copy items file from his instruction and modify a little like name and mqtt path, than everything works.
@seaside What is the benfit of running it through the MQTT instead of creating local files and use json on these?
Number miflora_battery "Battery level [%d %%]" <cistern> (miflora) { exec="<[cat /home/pi/miflora.json:60000:JSONPATH($.battery)]" }
but it also needs to run this right?
python /home/pi/miflora.py C4:7C:8D:60:9E:08 miflora.json
And why create files at all, why cant the python just take in parameters(bluetootk,json object) and just return the value?
#Read data from Xiaomi flower monitor, tested on firmware version 2.6.6
import sys
from gattlib import GATTRequester, GATTResponse
from struct import *
address = sys.argv[1]
requester = GATTRequester(address)
#Read battery and firmware version attribute
battery, version = unpack('<B6s',data)
print "Battery level:",battery,"%"
print "Firmware version:",version
#Enable real-time data reading
requester.write_by_handle(0x0033, str(bytearray([0xa0, 0x1f])))
#Read plant data
temperature, sunlight, moisture, fertility = unpack('<hxIBHxxxxxx',data)
if sys.argv[2]="Temperature" then return temperature
One thing that comes to mind is that when going the MQTT route, I can have a small Pi just next to my plants which feeds the MQTT server, and the main Pi with the full openHab installation is in my basement where all the other home automation stuff lives.
Another reason, I donât like to launch the json interpreter six times to read the six values, every process that is launched consumes some amount of CPU. The same holds true for launching phyton processes. Better launch one process, which pumps all six values into the Queue.
But then, this might be my Unix upbringing, every fork()/system() call immediately leads to suspicion
my question:
I successfully launched the miflora python script together with mqtt ⊠everything works well.
In addition I want to integrate FLIC - buttons with the flicd daemon.
Both works well ⊠BUT not together
Does anybody has some experience?
Sorry been busy moving to a new house.
Yes I suppose you can use json. The reason why I use MQTT is because its lightweight, designed for machine 2 machine communication. Also I have a total of 4 pies scattered in my house, they all send data to openhab, and in that context MQTT is really fit for the job.
If you really want to go with json, you could mount a network share (samba or nfs), and write files from the different pies in the same place, and then use openhab to read all those files. I donât think that solution is as clean as using MQTT.
In general I tend to use MQTT for all m2m communication.
Regards, S
Well they are all connected to the rpi that is running OH2, thats why I thought it is a bit over kill to set up MQTT broker on that pi as wellâŠ
I did my example as a tutorial to show different options, and let people use whatever solution fits their requirements best. Having a relay PI to send data over MQTT could be on reason. If you donât happen to use OpenHAB but something else, having all data on MQTT could be on reason. Or maybe have a small ESP sitting somewhere which is displaying data from MQTT on a small OLED screen.
But you are correct, I am using the JSON method as well.
Hi, thank you verry much for your tutorial.
But I have this problem when I run âsudo python3 miflora.pyâ
It return:
Battery Level : 91%
Firmware version: bâ\x102.6.2â
on notification, handle 0x21 -> 00:00:
on notification, handle 0x21 -> 00:00:
on notification, handle 0x21 -> 00:00:
(process:1202): GLib=CRITICAL **: Source ID 4 was not found when attempting to remove it
I have no idea what is happening, this is my first time with Raspberry pi also. Do you knows how to fix this?
Unfortunately I donât know how to fix it. I noticed that it is happening from time to time, but whenever I re-run the script it works for the second time. Can you please check that? Is this a re-occuring issue or just a one off?
Hi hamwong,
after a little trial and error I found out, that you need to create a file âsproute.propertiesâ with the path to your plants.
in that directory youâll need to have your plant file(s) located.
E.g. if you want to monitor your tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) youâll create a file called
(.zpc is just an extension used by the java program. At first I thought itâs a kind of zipped file, but it is just plain text.)
The content of the plant file needs to look like this - remember the mac address has to be adjusted to your Xiaomi Miflora sensor address.
Great Thanks, I did tried look a quick review on code and I thought was talking about sproute locaitaon.
and of cuz I fail, I really canât do coding except print"hello world"
Where do you take the lower and upper limit?
Thank you for your reply
this problem has been happening everytime I run the file. Itâs always return the same error. By the way, Iâm using Raspberry Pi model B and raspbian Jessie Lite.
Hi Sergey,
I just took them from the sample files inside the jar. They are located in the folder test/resources.
You just need to extract the jar. The jar is basically a zip file, you may also alter the extension to zip and extract it with your favorite unzip program.
I did not change the values so far, because I also need to experiment a little more, maybe other plants need different values.
I hope this will answer your question.