Hi Marcel, can you share details of this app you‘re using? Where can I download it from? Do you know if this app works with the S50 and firmware v3.5.7.002008?
Hi Marcel, can you share details of this app you‘re using? Where can I download it from? Do you know if this app works with the S50 and firmware v3.5.7.002008?
It is actually included in openhab.
It reads the rrmap files that are saved when pulling the map.
Just needs the right command line to start.
Maybe someone with some more java knowledge can help figuring it out. The class to run is RoboMapViewer
I cannot find the rrmap file. The only file in my userdata\miio directory is the miioTokens-us.json file.
Can someone please assist??
See bottom of first post
I have that tool downloaded can run it, that wasn’t the issue.
The issue is that I don’t have the map file (Robot Radar map). I’ve read the Binding page and the only thing I could find was that it may be in the userdata\miio directory, but as I said above, I only see a json file.
You are sure you have tried this…
Finally found the steps in case someone else has the same issues:
openhab-cli console
Enter default password - habopen
type in - log:set debug org.openhab.binding.miio
logout of cli console by entering logout
Check pi directory userdata\miio and you will now see the rrmap files
Thank you!
just another possible approach.