Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Binding

thnx mate helped a lot.
i have another question .What is the easiest way to command vacuum to clean rooms from habpanel and from google assistnt using voice?I am thinking creating switches for every room and then with rules when switch on


(or whatever the room number is) and when switch off


or dock or whatever…
Is there a better way?

Dear DarkoG, can you share how to send get_map command, retrieve and store the map list, display and select them in the sitemap?

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I try that via REST command but nothing happens. Would be great if someone can explain how it works.

Anyway I don’t get a map. Only a string with data word tmp. How can I show the map?

Thanks you.

I just got a careli.fryer.maf02. It gets discovered in OH3 UI, but only with a few basic channels.
After creating the thing the debug log says

Mi Device model careli.fryer.maf02 identified as: Unknown Mi IO Device (unknown). Does not match thingtype miio:generic. Changing thingtype to miio:unsupported

Those are the only channels that are found:

Anything else I can do to debug?

This device is unsupported in your version of openhab. Update to oh3.2 and it will be discovered as basic device with channels.

I just implemented a rule set for this, hence sharing for others:

  • I do use one item per room (I got 4 rooms) to identify which room needs to be cleaned
  • I then have another item (also a switch) that I activate to execute the cleaning

Above enables me to combine rooms for cleaning.

The rule looks like this:
//Set item variables

var room_kitchen = itemRegistry.getItem("utilities_roborock_room_16").getState ();
var room_bedroom_master = itemRegistry.getItem("utilities_roborock_room_17").getState ();
var room_livingroom = itemRegistry.getItem("utilities_roborock_room_18").getState ();
var room_bedroom_children = itemRegistry.getItem("utilities_roborock_room_19").getState ();
var room_execute = itemRegistry.getItem("utilities_roborock_room_execute").getState ();


//Set variables if switch is turned ON

if (room_kitchen == "ON"){
  var room_kitchen_number = "16, ";
} else {
  var room_kitchen_number = "";

if (room_bedroom_master == "ON"){
  var room_bedroom_master_number = "17, ";
} else {
  var room_bedroom_master_number = "";

if (room_livingroom == "ON"){
  var room_livingroom_number = "18, ";
} else {
  var room_livingroom_number = "";

if (room_bedroom_children == "ON"){
  var room_bedroom_children_number = "19, ";
} else {
  var room_bedroom_children_number = "";

//Combine room variables into control string

var room_con = "app_segment_clean [" + room_kitchen_number + room_bedroom_master_number + room_livingroom_number + room_bedroom_children_number +"]";

//Send command

events.sendCommand("utilities_roborock_executecommand", room_con);
Log.logInfo("TEST", "RULE - Utilities - Roborock Room Cleaning started for rooms:" + " " + room_con);
telegramAction.sendTelegram("RULE - Utilities - Roborock Room Cleaning started for rooms:" + " " + room_con);

//Clear all variable states

var room_con = 0;
events.sendCommand("utilities_roborock_room_execute", "OFF");
events.sendCommand("utilities_roborock_room_16", "OFF");
events.sendCommand("utilities_roborock_room_17", "OFF");
events.sendCommand("utilities_roborock_room_18", "OFF");
events.sendCommand("utilities_roborock_room_19", "OFF");

the control string can take any combination of rooms and it works.

The rule fires when the execute switch is turned ON and then takes the different room switches that were turned ON into the variables.
After execution of the command, all switches are reset to OFF.

I am sure it can be optimized and cut in half, but it works for now.
Hope it helps!

EDIT: For got to answer your 2nd question: I think there is no need to set the vacuum back to “pause” or “dock” as it will automatically return to the dock after cleaning anyways.

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Thanks for sharing. But how i get the room number if i don’t know it…

Have a look here.
You can send the command get_room_mapping to the command channel.
It will then show you in the log the different available rooms defined in the Xiaomi app.
You can then send the rooms to the command channel to identify which number is which room.

Hey Chris, thanks for reply.

I try it now via rule and via REST API and i get only NULL with get_map and get_room_mapping. It doesn’t matter. Do i something wrong? I have no clue how do it exactly to get the right result.

rule "RoomsVacuum"
    Item dummyschalter changed 
    var data = sendCommand("RobbyBubbleExecuteCommand", "get_room_mapping");
    Log.logInfo("RBEC", "string:" + " " + data);

I do not use Rule DSL anymore, but below ECMA code works (just tested):

events.sendCommand("YOURITEM_executecommand", "get_room_mapping");

The output:

thnx mate for answer,i will try ur way when i find some time…
about get_room_mapping i sent it to the command channel but i get

2021-12-28 13:45:04.732 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemCommandEvent      ] - Item 'MiRobotVacuumV2_Actions_ExecuteCommand' received command get_room_mapping
2021-12-28 13:45:04.742 [INFO ] [penhab.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item 'MiRobotVacuumV2_Actions_ExecuteCommand' predicted to become get_room_mapping
2021-12-28 13:45:04.750 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'MiRobotVacuumV2_Actions_ExecuteCommand' changed from {"result":["ok"],"id":14577} to get_room_mapping
2021-12-28 13:45:04.785 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'MiRobotVacuumV2_Actions_ExecuteCommand' changed from get_room_mapping to {"result":[],"id":12567}

maybe my roborock S5 doent support it?

It is because the command itself does not return anything directly.
Check your log/ the channel a few seconds later and you find the response

I got a S5 (Max) as well.

Thanks - that did the trick! Out of curiosity - why did I need 3.2 for this?

Recipe ID is something like A8543 for example. Do you think there’s a way to grab the recipe based on the ID from the/a Xiaomi database and display it in OH? That way we wouldn’t need to Xiaomi app but instead could simply select the recipe in OH…

I have this vacuum: https://www.openhab.org/addons/bindings/miio/#mi-robot-vacuum-mop-1c-stytj01zhm-dreame-vacuum-mc1808-channels

I don’t get any response. Nothing in log:

2021-12-28 13:42:55.785 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.RBEC  ] - string: null
2021-12-28 13:45:25.079 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.RBEC  ] - string: null

Thanks together for your help!


DEBUG Mode show this in my log:

2021-12-28 14:05:39.108 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.MiIoAbstractHandler] - Received response for device RobbyBubble type: GET_ROOM_MAPPING, result: null, fullresponse: {"id":5335,"error":{"code":-9999,"message":"user ack timeout"},"exe_time":4003}

Hi @downloadme4free, I didn’t have time to dig into the rules yet, probably within 2 weeks or so. I did the test via OH3 UI where I was manually sending commands from input card

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@Wikibear your device does not support the command. It is a completely different device command wise from the viomi/rockrobo devices

Your device is a ‘miot’ device, having different command structure.

How do I get the map and map IDs? Via App there is no problem to send the Bot into zones. I can edit the map in different zones. How can I send the Bot to a special zone in Openhab?

As it was only added recently. You might have gotten away with oh3.1 and downloading the json file as well. Don’t recall if it used 3.2 specific features in the json file.

for the recipes:
you could try to download this file (see binding readme on how to use local json files).
I added a recipes channel. When I run it it is an rather empty list (it responds with {"recipes":[],"hasMore":false,"nextId":0} but I can imagine for you it has recipes.

careli.fryer.maf02-miot.json (10.8 KB)

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See https://home.miot-spec.com/spec/dreame.vacuum.mc1808
You can experiment with commands in siid 23

Alternatively, you copy the json file for your device look and add to it.
dreame.vacuum.mc1808-0-miot.json (19.2 KB)