Xiaomi Yeelight Strip & LED Bulb

The binding is running as expected…

But how do I get the Token from my Yeelight?

I use the iOS APP Yeelight
I set the Bulp ind LAN-Mode but there is no token shown.

In the MiHome APP 4.3.0
I could not set the bulp in Dev mode

I don’t know the yeelight app.
For the Mi-Home app, you don’t need developer mode.

search the forum for the xiaomi vacuum, in the first topic you find some more explaination on how to get the token

With iOS Phones I managed to get the token with this Help from an other Forum
how to get the token with Ios devices (german)

I am freakin out …
First of all - thanks to everybody who is putting work and knowledge in here. Found a lot, but not what I am searching for right now.

I am running openhabian2.2 on a raspberrypi3, that is connected via LAN to my network.
I copied the binding zip-file to the addons-folder, and it shows.
I tried to add a new thing, but there is no way to specify some IP or token.
Maybe thats why it still shows “OFFLINE” while the bulb is running (Color LED Bulb).
In the YEELIGHT App, I set the LAN mode (is it the same as debug mode?). But I can’t get it running.
Has anybody made a tutorial? It is very exhausting to search through all the threads without finding a solution.
I tried to find on youtube and here, but no chance.
So help would be very much appreciated.
PS: I am not very experienced yet. Just get started, so what is obvious to you is not necessarily obvious to me. :slight_smile:

So I’ve bought 3 of these:

Is there a way to get a OH binding yet?
Thank you

You can try this:

Thank you!

Is there a way to implement this binding with VS Code?

What do you mean? send commands to the item? you do that like with all other items.

It can only be installed and used with Eclipse smarthome or am I wrong here?

I install binding with paper UI I’m not using Eclipse smarthome at all, sorry

Binding isn’t available in my Paper UI

you properbly need to enable beta binding i you system configuration, then you can see it.

Can I enable it via Paper UI? help :frowning:

Here :slight_smile:

I think you also have to enable LAN mode, see: http://forum.yeelight.com/t/cannot-find-the-developer-mode-for-yeelight-white-bulb/278/14

Thank you!
But I don’t have a marketplace @ Configuration > System …

I think there a binding for marketplace

Yeah, found it already! Thanks a lot!

Hi All,

Can someone confirm if Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp II device is supported in openhab2?
If Yes, any idea on how to perform the thing discovery in OH2?

I’ve tried so far the Yeelight Binding v2.1.0 (manually placed in /usr/share/openhab2/addons/) and also with Xiaomi Mi IO Binding but without success.

With the Xiaomi Mi IO Binding, two “unsupported” devices are detected and show up in Inbox, but I’m afraid none of these is the bedside lamp:

Xiaomi Mi IO Device 03D1695C (64055644) isa-camera-df3_miio64055644
Xiaomi Unsupported Mi IO device

Xiaomi Mi IO Device 04AE3B2A (78527274) lumi-gateway-v3_miio78527274
Xiaomi Unsupported Mi IO device

(one of them could be the Dafang camera which runs the original fw, connected via Xiaomi cloud, and the other one seems to be the Xiaomi GW, even though this device it is already installed via the Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Binding).

Any help is highly appreciated!

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