XML document in module 'org.openhab.binding.zwave' could not be parsed

My POPP Smoke Detector worked fine in openHAB2 until last week (zwave OH2 binding from around 20161106).
This weekend I updated the binding twice, since then the device is shown as “unknown”, currently on
Error message:

2016-11-13 18:54:48.233 [WARN ] [ig.xml.osgi.XmlDocumentBundleTracker] - The XML document '/ESH-INF/thing/popp_004407_1_0.xml' in module 'org.openhab.binding.zwave' could not be parsed:  : ParseError at [row,col]:[61,37]
Message: Auf "&" in der Entityreferenz muss umgehend der Entityname folgen. :  : ParseError at [row,col]:[61,37]
Message: Auf "&" in der Entityreferenz muss umgehend der Entityname folgen.
---- Debugging information ----
message             :  : ParseError at [row,col]:[61,37]
Message: Auf "&" in der Entityreferenz muss umgehend der Entityname folgen.
cause-exception     : com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.StreamException
cause-message       :  : ParseError at [row,col]:[61,37]
Message: Auf "&" in der Entityreferenz muss umgehend der Entityname folgen.
class               : org.eclipse.smarthome.config.xml.util.NodeValue
required-type       : org.eclipse.smarthome.config.xml.util.NodeValue
converter-type      : org.eclipse.smarthome.config.xml.util.NodeValueConverter
path                : /thing-descriptions/thing-type/properties/property
line number         : 61
class[1]            : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[2]            : org.eclipse.smarthome.config.xml.util.NodeList
converter-type[2]   : org.eclipse.smarthome.config.xml.util.NodeListConverter
class[3]            : org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.xml.internal.ThingTypeXmlResult
converter-type[3]   : org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.xml.internal.ThingTypeConverter
class[4]            : org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.xml.internal.ThingDescriptionList
converter-type[4]   : org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.xml.internal.ThingDescriptionConverter
version             : 1.4.7

I deleted the xml, reinitialized (xml was newly created) and even excluded and included the device and as a last step inserted a new battery, still it does not work.
Any ideas?

Never mind, after upgrading to
the smoke detector works as expected.