Yamaha - Add basic Spotify support (play, stop, next, song image)

The latest Yamaha binding does not support Spotify input.

Certain newer models (RX-S601D) allow to stream directly from Spotify. You use the Spotify app to send a playlist to the device. Once the playlist is selected, by using the Yamaha remote or Spotify app one can:

  • play/pause/stop
  • next, previous
  • see the song title displayed on receiver
  • see the song cover image displayed on the Spotify mobile app.

With the current version of Yamaha binding, there is no support to achieve the above.

I have looked at the code and some minor changes would be required to support this:

  • Enable Spotify as a known input for playback.
  • Few changes:
    • make the next track command send Skip Fwd
    • make the prev track command send Skip Rev
    • adjust the element name for song name to Track element
    • make the playback_station channel be empty, as Spotify does not support this
    • expose new playback_song_image_url channel of type String that will be the URL to an image provided by the AVR

Here is some protocol level examples for Spotify:

I will make an contribution, unless someone is working on that already?
What do you think?

CC: @David_Graeff

The navigation control class needs changes and a special case for the Spotify input for those two commands would need to be introduced. I wonder why Yamaha didn’t use the same commands and is consistent across all inputs.

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Here is the github issue #2574 that tracks the feature request.
There is an associated link to the snapshot build containing all the changes if anyone is interested in this feature.

Yes, it’s bit weird that Yamaha requires different command names for the tracks. Also, I am looking into navigation for the Spotify input, but at first glance it looks like navigation works differently than currently implemented in the binding.