Yandex Alice binding [4.1.0;5.0.0)

Binding for Yandex Alice

Alice (Russian: Алиса (Alisa)) is a Russian intelligent personal assistant for Android, iOS and Windows operating systems and Yandex’s own devices developed by Yandex.

Version 0.10

  • Add temperature_k tag in Number item for color_settings temperature selection

Version 0.9

  • Parsing Yandex for new devices

Version 0.8

  • New devices add

Version 0.7

  • fix color_settings capability for OH 4

Version 0.6

  • multiple modes error bugfix

Version 0.5

  • bugfix with event update
  • manual token and skill id add now possible

Version 0.4

  • add Contact item in group

Version 0.3

  • you can use Switch as smoke, battery level, gas, water leak and motion detectors

Version 0.2

  • tag “noYandex” add

Version 0.1

  • initial release




Please note that there will be no new addons be merged into openHAB 3.4.x so you should develop against openHAB 4.0 main branch.

Ok, Thank you! Version for 4.0 is ready for publish

Hello @Pshatsillo , could you please add Kettle support to the binding?

I have a smart kettle in OpenHAB, and I cannot add it to Alice now.


Oh wow, so quickly - thank you so much!

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Hi, any ideas when this update will be published to the Openhab market?

Hello. It was published the same day…

Hmm, strange, here’s what I see in my Openhab “Add-on Store” page:

It doesn’t offer me to update the binding, even doesn’t indicate that there’s an update available.
I’ve updated Openhab to v.4.1.0-M1-1 yesterday, thought it’ll help, but it hasn’t.

Market does not have update feature. You must remove and install it again

вт, 26 сент. 2023 г., 13:02 Victor via openHAB Community <>:

Hi, I see, thank you.

Can’t install to openHAB 4.0.3.
The ERROR: Installation of add-on marketplace:146122 failed.
Can you help with it?
Thank u,

for 4.0.3 you should download direct file here and place to addons folder. Unfortunately, link from market work starting from 4.1 version because of slf4j packet

thank you

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