Z-TRM2fx device database update

Sure, I bought 10 of the ZTRM2 in one purchase and they all have these attributes:

I remember they briefly had a v2.9 that were withdrawn, and there was a 2.11 mentioned here.
Note that the Z-TRM2 has OTA FW update only. (The USB cable used on earlier devices cannot be used.)

If the new Z-TRM2fx is using the same Type/ID with a totally different parameter set, is that an error on their part, or is it OK to differentiate on the FW version only? (my experience is lacking here)

All I know is that a database update must not break compatibility with the Z-TRM2 with FW 2.6, 2.9 & 2.11.

How they will handle the replacement Z-TRM2 due in Q1-2 2019 remains to be seen, but if their re-use of Type/ID was wrong, we should contact them so they don’t make the same mistake twice. (trice)