Using OpenHAB 4.3 on PI 4 with Razberry2 I tried to add a Fibaro Roller Shutter 4 (FGR-224). The device was found but not fully discovered. It looks like it is not in the device database yet. I only found FGR-223 so far. As I am new to OH could someone double check or even add the device, before I try to do it?
I have the node XML file, but the forum software does not allow me to attach it (as new user). However, I am happy to provide it.
It sounds like you may have already read this post. The ZW DB is community maintained, but with the XML and the manual, you should not have a problem after reading the blog. Only note is that the registration link had to be hidden. Check this post.
Also I did not find your device in the DB either, but you may want to search for the TYPE:ID just to make sure before adding.
Peeked at your entry in the ZW DB (not the official review by the developer). The parameters and association groups need to be added manually, the XML only loads the endpoints. Also think you will be happier if you change the switch_dimmer to blinds_control. Also (if desired) you could use the download OH2 XML feature in the gearbox icon and this procedure to add to your existing binding for testing.
Many thanks for you feedback yesterday and the pre-review. Trying my best in transferring the parameters and associations from the manual to the DB I updated the entry. The entries of the previous device version FGR-223 served as reference for a plausability check. It seems there are less parameters and groups for the FGR-224 (new). I could not find out how many nodes are possible for Association Group 2 âWindow Coveringâ. Therefore, I entered value 1. Maybe you can give a hint. If the endpoints come with the XML why to change switch_dimmer to blinds_control? However, I trust your experience and made this change.
If the endpoints come with the XML why to change switch_dimmer to blinds_control? I think multilevel switch defaults to dimmer, but I have had others in the forum find that an issue. I donât have any blinds, but v3 and v2 have blinds_control, so I think that is the best place to start.
Edit: and ALL is fine for firmware as this is the only device with the Type:ID.
Ok, this makes sense. I changed the association group â âWindow Covering" (number 2) to a mximum number of nodes of 5 and left blinds_control and firmware to âAllâ. If someone else has better information it can be corrected.
After updating the DB with the FGR224 and while waiting for approval of the entry and getting it into the next OH build I tried the procedure you suggested: Update ZWave binding with new/updated device xml
It basically worked, however I ran into a permission error in the very last step when updating the zwave bundle using the patched jar (bundle:update). The openhab-cli with user openhab had no access to the patched jar. I solved it by moving the patched jar into a directory of the pi owned by root.The jar got root ownership as well. OH4.3 was installed on my PI 4 on top of rasperry OS and not on openhabian. I use another user name, that might have been the problem.
After updating and opening the OH4.3 UI the Fibaro Roller Shutter 4 (FGR-224) was fully dicoverd. The text from the DB entry is shown in the Things view. The next step is to get the rollers actually controlled. Thanks again, this was a step forward.
Also I usually mention that the bundle:update will not survive if you update OH (like to a different patch release). The Zwave binding updates donât always make it into the patch releases, but you are covered (keep your notes )
Today I tested the basic function of four FGR-224 devices. I could include them into a semantic model and manually control them. It looks like the basic content of the DB entry is correct.
Finally, I found in the manual the correct number of nodes for Association Group 2 âWindow Coveringâ, which is five.
Is there a post or documentation from which I can find an indication when this database entry goes into an OH release?
Hard to say, but likely by July at the latest with OH5.0.
It will get merged into a OH5.0 snapshot in a week or so (Check here). Within a major OH version sometimes the snapshots will work on the prior stable release (e.g. 4.3 snapshots worked on the 4.2 release), However, OH5.0 needs java 21 and 64-bit OS, so that is not going to work.
There have been two 4.3 patch releases, but so far, the ZW DB changes have not been included. Also there is no firm schedule for patch releases (AFAIK). You can look at the release notes when/if another patch release is issued to see if it is included.