Z-Wave controller goes offline when executing "Exclude Devices" from the controller's Thing page

I am on OpenHab 4.2.1 running in a docker with a Zooz 800 stick ZST39.

When I execute “Exclude Devices” from the controller’s Thing, the controller goes offline and comes back after a few seconds but it never enters the exclusion mode. On the same hardware, my Home Assistant docker can enter exclusion mode without issues, so the stick works fine. Other features work.

From reading a bit around, it seems that this feature does not work for everyone and that Z-Wave devices should be removed from the device’s Thing.

If this is correct, then what is the “Exclude Devices” use? When I execute it, it does mention that the controller will enter exclusion mode, but it does not.

800 series controllers are not fully supported by the add-on at this time. It’s possible that you are hitting an as yet unreported bug in the exclusion process for this particular device. Please file an issue on the openhab-zwave repo with debug logs.

I had trouble also on 4.3M1. Going to post on that thread.

Edit: I’m using an aeotec 500, so don’t think it is 800 series.

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I did get a PR accepted recently to hopefully clarify that it is only long-range inclusion that is not supported, but is only on the 4.3 documents page

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I submitted the issue #1949.

There appears to be a fix in the works. I added a duplicate issue in the core, but it appears to be a webui issue. There is also a workaround to use the REST API (near the bottom of the thread - if you want to stay on stable releases). The fix may be in the next 4.3 milestone. Also the Simplicity Studio could do the deletes if you have that app (It is free, but need to register).

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