Z-Wave Discovery Could Not Resolve thingType Minoston Outdoor Smart Plug


I think I have a device that needs to be added to the device database but I need some guidance.

I have a Minoston Z-Wave Outdoor Smart Plug (800S)
The box has model number MP22Z
However, underneath that in parenthesis is (ZW96S)

MP22Z is in the DB but ZW96S is not. There is a ZW96.

The logs show this from Discovery:

20:46:25.527 [WARN ] [zwave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 9: Device discovery could not resolve to a thingType! Manufacturer data not known.
20:46:26.884 [WARN ] [zwave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 9: Device discovery could not resolve to a thingType! 0312:C000:C005::8.0
20:46:38.546 [INFO ] [commandclass.ZWaveVersionCommandClass] - NODE 9: Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY has version 0!
20:46:39.089 [ERROR] [commandclass.ZWaveVersionCommandClass] - NODE 9: Unsupported command class COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY (0x98)

I’m running OH4.3. I’m not sure where the XML file is that I’m to be uploading to the DB. I was poking around and found the jsondb. Do you agree this device needs to be added? If yes, can I get some help adding it?


For background Guidance for “unknown” Zwave Device - Tutorials & Examples / Solutions - openHAB Community Not sure what to advise until more is known, but agree it is not in the DB. It might be possible to just add the TYPE:ID to one of these devices, depending on what is in your manual. MFG; NIE Technology, filter “outdoor” for your choices. This device seems to use your TYPE:ID pattern.