Not sure if this should live in HABmin or in the bindings area but I have a newish z-wave network with a HomeSeer SmartStick+ in the newly released OH2 (habmin2 version Version: 2.0.0, 2017-01-20T15:52:06, z-wave 2.0.0) that shows the following:
Most of of the nodes (except 3 so far) are mains powered switches like the ones that actually do show paths. The network has been up a few days and gone through a few heals. The switches that don’t show as connected work, but I have some issues occasionally with the two battery powered motion sensors that may or may not be related to the fact I don’t see paths. I’m happy to provide whatever debug logs might be useful / etc… but I figured I’d check if it’ was known first (FWIW I attempted a search and didn’t see any similar issues).
Ah, interesting I’ll give that a try later, I was mostly interested in what it said because of the issues I’m having with my battery powered motion sensors not always triggering.
I have also reported this here and learned that the functionality is not implemented yet. However, let’s cross fingers that this might be the basis for a working network viewer.