I seem to have an issue with routing in my z-wave network.
I have approx 14 devices.
2 of them are remotes(node 3:wall switch and node 13: zme_rc2 remote).
However for some reason the remote zme_rc2 is choosen as “gateway” to my other devices.
Here you have my z-wave network.
The devices are either too far apart or they’re suffering from interference. If those are switches inside a metal gang box then the signal could be significantly reduced.
You can try moving them closer or adding more devices in between (such as Aeon’s zwave repeater).
Well, I checked everything and there is no metal in the vicinity.
Distance between the nodes is no more than 5-7 m.
The remote is a battery powered device and should not be acting as a routing slave.
I also noticed the device is in the database, but not recognized as the correct device.
In openhab 1.8 the devices are recognized successfully and network map shows that node 13 is not the single routing slave between several nodes.
If you look carefully at the graph, you’ll notice a pink ring around node 13. If I’m not mistaken, this means that node is NOT a routing slave. It just happens to also have a list of neighbors which is why it (and node 27) is shown linking with other nodes.
What device is this and what device does openhab think it is?
No. There is a common database online, but the OH2 database needs more information, so devices in the OH1 database are not automatically in the OH2 binding.
This means that the device interrogation has not completed since these numbers are not valid.
The IDs 2147483647 are default values used by openhab and it means that the device hasn’t told openhab what it is. You’ll need to force the device to stay awake long enough so openhab can probe it for the actual IDs.
The openhab 2 database was originally populated with the data from 1.8, but it’s maintained separately. Chris generally doesn’t update the 1.8 database unless someone files a bug about a particular device.