Z-wave (Schlage) Lock Support on OH1

I do have a branch that is merged, but I’m slightly hesitant to actually merge it into master in case it causes problems elsewhere. I’ll have a think about this, and a way to back out again if there are problems reported.

You’d make us happy for sure! Even if a manual download and replace, having the 1.8.3 version with security would be awesome.

info on building your branch would be fine with me as well. we can test for you :slight_smile:

You can get the branch here. Feedback welcome - I know a couple of people are running this so it should be fine - if all’s good then we can look to merge it.

Binding works, but does not seam to have command class.

2016-08-14 12:24:23 WARN  o.o.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler[:415]- NODE 9: No command class found for item = Office_Side_Door_Lock. Class = door_lock(DOOR_LOCK), endpoint = 0. Ignoring command.

Strange - it looks like it should be included, so not sure why you’re getting this error. I do note that the line number of this error doesn’t line up with the latest version of the code though, so I suspect that you’re not running the latest version.


git clone https://github.com/cdjackson/openhab.git
cd openhab/bundles/binding/org.openhab.binding.zwave/
mvn install
cp target/org.openhab.binding.zwave-1.9.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/openhab/addons/

Then in the logs I see:

2016-08-14 20:16:10 DEBUG o.o.b.z.i.ZWaveActivator[:37]- Z-Wave binding started. Version

2016-08-14 20:20:12 WARN  o.o.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler[:415]- NODE 9: No command class found for item = Office_Side_Door_Lock. Class = door_lock(DOOR_LOCK), endpoint = 0. Ignoring command.

So not sure what I am missing…

It looks like you’re not running the branch with the security classes.

@sipvoip did this happen on the version I sent you a while back? If not, then it won’t happen now as I’ve definitely not removed the door lock implementation from the code and it’s the same code with the database updated.

Yes, it did. the only branch so far that my locks works with its:

Really? You should have mentioned it.

I’m not sure how to resolve that as it looks ok - the converter appears to be compiled in ok (which is where the error was being reported in your previous message). Are you sure when you compile the code that you are grabbing the correct branch as nothing in your message indicates that you have, in which case I assume you’re compiling the standard (ie non secure) version?

I thought I did, but there were lots of messages gong back and forth and frankly I was so happy you fixed the time stuff that I just figured it would get in there eventually.

As far as branch, you are correct, I thought it was in master, once I switched to the correct branch I had command class. It looks like I need to exclude and include them again, so I will try that tonight.

Thanks again for all your help.

trying this build now. need to get home and re-include my door locks… status on this after it get them up


I have one done so far and its working fine!

Is this a new .jar binding to download for the secure class or is it something I have to make?

You need to build it from the branch I posted above.

Would you happen to have a link that will give directions on how to proceed?

OK it’s built and seeing the locks now. How do I get them to open or close? I have a switch defined in my sitemap that points to the correct items. But no movement.

Dave p

Well the item definitions shouldn’t have changed for this version compared to the previous one, so it it was working before, and it’s not working with this version then it’s probably an issue with the binding :frowning: .

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Did you build the correct branch? I built master the fist time, that won’t work. Once I built the correct branch all 7 of my locks worked. I have battery state and can lock / unlock them.