Z-Wave Serial Adapter setup

Ooooh, my bad :smiley:

Yes… That is it…Pix below

Cool… In any case, this won’t impact the inclusion anyway, but at least it’s supported :slight_smile: .

Alright, then I guess its defective then. Thanks so much for your continuous assistance. appreciated.

Hello @chris ,

I came to learn that, my Z-wave switches which were from UK are not compatible with my Z-wave controller from the US so had to go purchase new ones. Thanks for your help.

Note that this is four years later! But, searching brought up this thread and I wanted to make an update:

“So to be clear, you are clicking the search button on the UI, and then clicking on the button on the device?”

I spent a while looking for the “search” button. It no longer exists. The process for this is now:

  • Click “Things” on the left panel
  • “+” button in the lower right to add a new one
  • Select the Z-Wave binding
  • Press the “Scan” button.