Z-Wave Switches vs Contacts, and the database

I was just cleaning up some emails and saw the Channel change to the WADWAZ SENSOR_BINARY CC, which led me to this thread, so sorry I’m late (please add the zwave tag to the topic).

I set the WADWAZ device up with both Switch and Contact Channels, as well as Switch for the external switch. This way, people can make the decision which Channel works best for them. I cannot see a diff of the changes until they are accepted/exported, it looks like the device is setup the same as when I modified (these other very similar devices):

SENSOR_BINARY: sensor_door (Contact)
ALARM/type=BURGLAR, event=3: alarm_entry (Switch)
ALARM/type=BURGLAR, event=254: sensor_binary (Switch)

… and I do not understand your comment in the db…

[#](https://www.cd-jackson.com/index.php/zwave/zwave-device-database/zwave-device-list/devicesummary/9#comment-957) Brian Michalk 2019-01-13 14:58

Requested review. Change Sensor (Alarm) to Sensor (Binary) of type sensor_door. Not sure if this is the intent of the discussion on the OpenHab forum.

So, what did you change? It sounds like you are needing is for the DWZWAVE to use sensor_door. It also have both SENSOR_BINARY and ALARM, so why not change SENSOR_BINARY to use it, like the WADWAZ?

I prefer to use the SENSOR_BINARY CC, since the event is received from the device ~50ms sooner than the the ALARM event. I do the same for my motion sensor (WAPIR), which also has ALARM and SENSOR_BINARY CCs. As I’ve voiced before, I am very much against removing “duplicate” Channels, since I want the ability to choose! Suggestion… instead of marking the Channel as Deprecated, use Redundant, and then put those Channels into a separate Chanel Group. This leaves the functionality for those who want it, but the Channels would be separated from the others. And mark them as hidden (I forget the actua term now), so that the user has to select “More” in Paper UI, or Tools> Advanced in Habmin, in order to see them.

There is only one Channel that supports Contacts (sensor_door), and most devices have been setup to use Switches, but have read-only Channels that should really be a Contact. Couldn’t all of the alarm Channel types be changed to support Contacts rather than Switches? Are any of these not read-only?