Today I want to activate my first wall mount switch (aeotec quad switch). It works fine if the switch is near the z-wave stick.
I use a simple rule to check this
rule "Z-Wave WALLC-S events update"
Item WallSwitch01_Scene received update
logInfo("Logger","Scene Update received " + WallSwitch01_Scene.state.toString)
If the switch is far away, sometimes the rule is triggered more then one time.
2018-05-06 10:36:04.455 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Logger] - Scene Update received1.0
2018-05-06 10:36:04.455 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Logger] - Scene Update received1.0
2018-05-06 10:36:04.459 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Logger] - Scene Update received1.0
It looks, like the command is send more times to the stick?
But I do not unterstand this.
The z-wave binding sends the update only one time and OH makes more triggers out of this?
If this is true, how to detect an update on an item within a rule and prevent from doing the rule action more then once?
Never seen this problem in all my other received update rules. They all trigger only one time. Only if I move a z-wave device far away from z-wave stick.
If you want to work out if it’s ZWave, or something else, check the ZWave logging to see what is actually received…
There are two possible causes within ZWave - firstly, retries can happen, and the binding can receive the same message twice. It’s not really possible for the binding to filter this (reliably) as it’s hard to know if the device just sent the message twice, or if it was a retry as there’s no ID that allows this to be filtered.
The other possibility is if you have the controller linked to more than 1 association group, then you will also receive the notifications multiple times.