Zigbee binding

Yes, that worked. Thanks again for sharing this @elevation ! As you said, the other lamps can join as well. Well - I had to rediscover them :wink:

So I currently have the Ikea, Osram and Philips in the same PAN. All can be controlled for level and switch cluster, the RGBs (HUE and the Osram stripe) can also controlled by the color cluster commands.

Now looking forward to @chris’s color temp channel implementation :slight_smile:

2017-05-30 18:21:46.531 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 000B57FFFE305336: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2017-05-30 18:21:46.532 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - ->  AF_DATA_REQUEST (Packet: subsystem=null, length=15, apiId=24 01, data=FE 0F 24 01 64 3B 03 01 00 00 12 30 1F 05 00 12 00 06 00 5B, checksum=5B, error=false)
2017-05-30 18:21:46.539 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 000B57FFFE305336: Creating ZigBee device zigbee:device with bridge zigbee:coordinator_cc2531:af6da79d
2017-05-30 18:21:46.544 [INFO ] [g.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Added new thing 'zigbee:device:af6da79d:000b57fffe305336' to inbox.
2017-05-30 18:21:46.546 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - 000B57FFFE305336: ZigBee node property discovery start
2017-05-30 18:21:46.550 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - 000B57FFFE305336: ZigBee node property discovery using 8910/1
2017-05-30 18:21:46.552 [DEBUG] [.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclCluster] - readSync request: ZclAttribute [id=4, name=ManufacturerName, dataType=CHARACTER_STRING, lastValue=IKEA of Sweden]
2017-05-30 18:21:46.553 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ReadAttributesCommand [Basic: 0/0 -> 8910/1, cluster=0000, TID=13, identifiers=[Attribute Identifier: attributeIdentifier=4]]
2017-05-30 18:21:46.556 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-  AF_DATA_SRSP (FE 01 64 01 00 64)
2017-05-30 18:21:46.558 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - ->  AF_DATA_REQUEST (Packet: subsystem=null, length=15, apiId=24 01, data=FE 0F 24 01 CE 22 01 01 00 00 13 30 1F 05 00 13 00 04 00 E8, checksum=E8, error=false)
2017-05-30 18:21:46.584 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-  AF_DATA_SRSP (FE 01 64 01 00 64)
2017-05-30 18:21:46.601 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 03 45 C4 CE 22 00 6E)
2017-05-30 18:21:46.603 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=3, apiId=45 C4, data=FE 03 45 C4 CE 22 00 6E, checksum=6E, error=false
2017-05-30 18:21:46.604 [DEBUG] [e.dongle.cc2531.ZigBeeDongleTiCc2531] - Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45c4
2017-05-30 18:21:46.606 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 03 45 C4 CE 22 00 6E)
2017-05-30 18:21:46.608 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=3, apiId=45 C4, data=FE 03 45 C4 CE 22 00 6E, checksum=6E, error=false
2017-05-30 18:21:46.609 [DEBUG] [e.dongle.cc2531.ZigBeeDongleTiCc2531] - Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45c4
2017-05-30 18:21:46.661 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- AF_DATA_CONFIRM (FE 03 44 80 00 01 13 D5)
2017-05-30 18:21:46.663 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: AF_DATA_CONFIRM(Endpoint=1, Status=SUCCESS(0), TransID=19)
2017-05-30 18:21:46.668 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- AF_INCOMING_MSG (FE 2A 44 81 00 00 00 00 CE 22 01 01 00 A0 00 34 41 35 00 00 16 18 13 01 04 00 00 42 0E 49 4B 45 41 20 6F 66 20 53 77 65 64 65 6E CE 22 1D 67)
2017-05-30 18:21:46.670 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=42, apiId=44 81, data=FE 2A 44 81 00 00 00 00 CE 22 01 01 00 A0 00 34 41 35 00 00 16 18 13 01 04 00 00 42 0E 49 4B 45 41 20 6F 66 20 53 77 65 64 65 6E CE 22 1D 67, checksum=67, error=false
2017-05-30 18:21:46.671 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ReadAttributesResponse [Basic: 8910/1 -> 0/1, cluster=0000, TID=13, records=[Read Attribute Status Record: attributeDataType=CHARACTER_STRING, attributeIdentifier=4, status=0, attributeValue=IKEA of Sweden]]
2017-05-30 18:21:46.678 [DEBUG] [.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclCluster] - readSync request: ZclAttribute [id=5, name=ModelIdentifier, dataType=CHARACTER_STRING, lastValue=**TRADFRI bulb GU10 WS 400lm**]
2017-05-30 18:21:46.680 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ReadAttributesCommand [Basic: 0/0 -> 8910/1, cluster=0000, TID=14, identifiers=[Attribute Identifier: attributeIdentifier=5]]