ZigBee not connecting Items with CC2531 and Aoara WXKG12LM/MFKZQ01LM Switches

First of all, I’ve to thank you all for that great community. I was able to setup most parts of my system, rules, because of the good documentation - and if details are missing there - by searching this forum. It’s really great how much time some of you have invested here and build a great community. So thank you all.

Sadly I have an issue, which was mentioned on some places, but I’ve not found a solution for my issue. So I need to ask for help.

I’m not able to get my ZigBee controller and/or my switches running. What I have so far, is:

  • CC2531 flashed CC2531ZNP-Pro-Secure_Standard.hex (using Windows) (yes, cheap AliExpress once)
  • Aqara Switches, to be exact: WXKG12LM and MFKZQ01LM (also cheap AliExpress once)
  • ZibBee Binding seems to work, openhab-transport-serial is there and serial configuration should be ok
  • Thing is Online:

Thing zigbee:coordinator_cc2531:zigbee_coordinator "Zigbee Coordinator" [zigbee_port="/dev/ttyACM0", zigbee_baud="38400"]


  • in PaperUI/Inbox start a search for ZigBee Binding
  • press and hold the connect buttons on my Switches
    sadly the buttons do not connect, instead I have this log:
    ==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.498 [DEBUG] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - Starting ZigBee scan for zigbee:coordinator_cc2531:zigbee_coordinator
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.507 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Permit join to 65532/0 for 60 seconds.
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.512 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ManagementPermitJoiningRequest [0/0 -> 65532/0, cluster=0036, TID=1F, permitDuration=60, tcSignificance=true]
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.519 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=65532/0, profile=0000, cluster=54, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=31, payload=00 3C 01]
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.525 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - ->  AF_DATA_REQUEST (Packet: subsystem=null, length=13, apiId=24 01, data=FE 0D 24 01 FC FF 00 00 36 00 1F 30 1F 03 00 3C 01 13, checksum=13, error=false)
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.652 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-  AF_DATA_SRSP (FE 01 64 01 00 64)
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.657 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ManagementPermitJoiningRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0036, TID=20, permitDuration=60, tcSignificance=true]
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.664 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=54, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=32, payload=00 3C 01]
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.669 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - ->  AF_DATA_REQUEST (Packet: subsystem=null, length=13, apiId=24 01, data=FE 0D 24 01 00 00 00 00 36 00 20 30 1F 03 00 3C 01 2F, checksum=2F, error=false)
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.805 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-  AF_DATA_SRSP (FE 01 64 01 00 64)
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.809 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 01 45 CB 3C B3)
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.812 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=45 CB, data=FE 01 45 CB 3C B3, checksum=B3, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.816 [DEBUG] [e.dongle.cc2531.ZigBeeDongleTiCc2531] - Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45cb
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.819 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 03 45 B6 00 00 00 F0)
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.823 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=3, apiId=45 B6, data=FE 03 45 B6 00 00 00 F0, checksum=F0, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.826 [DEBUG] [e.dongle.cc2531.ZigBeeDongleTiCc2531] - Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45b6
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.832 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 0A 45 FF 00 00 00 36 80 00 00 00 00 00 06)
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.834 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=10, apiId=45 FF, data=FE 0A 45 FF 00 00 00 36 80 00 00 00 00 00 06, checksum=06, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.839 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32822, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00]
    2019-05-01 18:21:37.843 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementPermitJoiningResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8036, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS]
    2019-05-01 18:21:50.459 [DEBUG] [p.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryExtension] - DISCOVERY Extension: Starting mesh update
    2019-05-01 18:21:50.461 [DEBUG] [p.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryExtension] - DISCOVERY Extension: Starting mesh update for 00124B001938A62D
    2019-05-01 18:21:50.463 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: Update mesh
    2019-05-01 18:21:50.465 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: scheduled [ROUTES, NEIGHBORS]
    2019-05-01 18:21:50.999 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: running
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.002 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ManagementRoutingRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0032, TID=21, startIndex=0]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.003 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=50, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=33, payload=00 00]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.005 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - ->  AF_DATA_REQUEST (Packet: subsystem=null, length=12, apiId=24 01, data=FE 0C 24 01 00 00 00 00 32 00 21 30 1F 02 00 00 17, checksum=17, error=false)
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.132 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-  AF_DATA_SRSP (FE 01 64 01 00 64)
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.134 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 06 45 B2 00 00 00 00 00 00 F1)
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.136 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=6, apiId=45 B2, data=FE 06 45 B2 00 00 00 00 00 00 F1, checksum=F1, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.137 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32818, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 00 00 00]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.139 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementRoutingResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8032, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, routingTableEntries=0, startIndex=0, routingTableList=[]]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.143 [DEBUG] [zigbee.transaction.ZigBeeTransaction] - Transaction complete: ManagementRoutingRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0032, TID=21, startIndex=0]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.145 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: ManagementRoutingRequest returned CommandResult [SUCCESS, ManagementRoutingResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8032, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, routingTableEntries=0, startIndex=0, routingTableList=[]]]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.148 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: ManagementLqiRequest complete [0 routes]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.149 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - 00124B001938A62D: Routing table NEW: []
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.151 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - 00124B001938A62D: Routing table OLD: []
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.153 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - 00124B001938A62D: Routing table unchanged
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.155 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 0D 45 FF 00 00 00 32 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05)
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.157 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=13, apiId=45 FF, data=FE 0D 45 FF 00 00 00 32 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05, checksum=05, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.158 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32818, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 00 00 00]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.160 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementRoutingResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8032, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, routingTableEntries=0, startIndex=0, routingTableList=[]]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.162 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: request ROUTES successful. Advanced to NEIGHBORS.
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.164 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: running
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.167 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ManagementLqiRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0031, TID=22, startIndex=0]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.169 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=49, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=34, payload=00 00]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.171 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - ->  AF_DATA_REQUEST (Packet: subsystem=null, length=12, apiId=24 01, data=FE 0C 24 01 00 00 00 00 31 00 22 30 1F 02 00 00 17, checksum=17, error=false)
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.303 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-  AF_DATA_SRSP (FE 01 64 01 00 64)
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.308 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 32 45 B1 00 00 00 02 00 02 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 31 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 66 14 12 02 01 AA 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 9E 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 E1 D5 12 02 01 AA 2F)
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.310 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=50, apiId=45 B1, data=FE 32 45 B1 00 00 00 02 00 02 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 31 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 66 14 12 02 01 AA 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 9E 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 E1 D5 12 02 01 AA 2F, checksum=2F, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.313 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32817, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 02 00 02 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 31 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 66 14 12 02 01 AA 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 9E 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 E1 D5 12 02 01 AA]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.318 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementLqiResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8031, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, neighborTableEntries=2, startIndex=0, neighborTableList=[NeighborTable [extendedPanId=53E51BCDEB212767, extendedAddress=00158D0002B00C31, networkAddress=5222, deviceType=END_DEVICE, rxOnWhenIdle=RX_OFF, relationship=CHILD, permitJoining=UNKNOWN, depth=1, lqi=170], NeighborTable [extendedPanId=53E51BCDEB212767, extendedAddress=00158D0002B00C9E, networkAddress=54753, deviceType=END_DEVICE, rxOnWhenIdle=RX_OFF, relationship=CHILD, permitJoining=UNKNOWN, depth=1, lqi=170]]]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.323 [DEBUG] [zigbee.transaction.ZigBeeTransaction] - Transaction complete: ManagementLqiRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0031, TID=22, startIndex=0]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.326 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: ManagementLqiRequest response CommandResult [SUCCESS, ManagementLqiResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8031, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, neighborTableEntries=2, startIndex=0, neighborTableList=[NeighborTable [extendedPanId=53E51BCDEB212767, extendedAddress=00158D0002B00C31, networkAddress=5222, deviceType=END_DEVICE, rxOnWhenIdle=RX_OFF, relationship=CHILD, permitJoining=UNKNOWN, depth=1, lqi=170], NeighborTable [extendedPanId=53E51BCDEB212767, extendedAddress=00158D0002B00C9E, networkAddress=54753, deviceType=END_DEVICE, rxOnWhenIdle=RX_OFF, relationship=CHILD, permitJoining=UNKNOWN, depth=1, lqi=170]]]]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.328 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: ManagementLqiRequest complete [2 neighbors]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.330 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - 00124B001938A62D: Neighbor table unchanged
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.332 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: request NEIGHBORS successful. Advanced to null.
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.334 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: running
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.336 [DEBUG] [iscovery.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 00124B001938A62D: Node SVC Discovery: complete
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.338 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - 00124B001938A62D: Node 0 update
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.347 [DEBUG] [nal.ZigBeeNetworkStateSerializerImpl] - Saving ZigBee network state: Start.
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.350 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 39 45 FF 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 02 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 31 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 66 14 12 02 01 AA 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 9E 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 E1 D5 12 02 01 AA DB)
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.353 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=57, apiId=45 FF, data=FE 39 45 FF 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 02 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 31 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 66 14 12 02 01 AA 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 9E 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 E1 D5 12 02 01 AA DB, checksum=DB, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.356 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32817, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 02 00 02 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 31 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 66 14 12 02 01 AA 67 27 21 EB CD 1B E5 53 9E 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 E1 D5 12 02 01 AA]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.359 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementLqiResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8031, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, neighborTableEntries=2, startIndex=0, neighborTableList=[NeighborTable [extendedPanId=53E51BCDEB212767, extendedAddress=00158D0002B00C31, networkAddress=5222, deviceType=END_DEVICE, rxOnWhenIdle=RX_OFF, relationship=CHILD, permitJoining=UNKNOWN, depth=1, lqi=170], NeighborTable [extendedPanId=53E51BCDEB212767, extendedAddress=00158D0002B00C9E, networkAddress=54753, deviceType=END_DEVICE, rxOnWhenIdle=RX_OFF, relationship=CHILD, permitJoining=UNKNOWN, depth=1, lqi=170]]]
    2019-05-01 18:21:51.366 [DEBUG] [nal.ZigBeeNetworkStateSerializerImpl] - Saving ZigBee network state: Done.
    2019-05-01 18:21:53.896 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 0C 45 CA 66 14 31 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 00 00 E6)
    2019-05-01 18:21:53.900 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=12, apiId=45 CA, data=FE 0C 45 CA 66 14 31 0C B0 02 00 8D 15 00 00 00 E6, checksum=E6, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:21:53.902 [DEBUG] [e.dongle.cc2531.ZigBeeDongleTiCc2531] - Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45ca
    2019-05-01 18:22:27.774 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 0C 45 CA 76 17 F0 A9 9A 02 00 8D 15 00 00 00 BB)
    2019-05-01 18:22:27.779 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=12, apiId=45 CA, data=FE 0C 45 CA 76 17 F0 A9 9A 02 00 8D 15 00 00 00 BB, checksum=BB, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:22:27.781 [DEBUG] [e.dongle.cc2531.ZigBeeDongleTiCc2531] - Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45ca
    2019-05-01 18:22:37.795 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - <-- ZToolPacket (FE 01 45 CB 00 8F)
    2019-05-01 18:22:37.797 [DEBUG] [31.network.impl.CommandInterfaceImpl] - Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=45 CB, data=FE 01 45 CB 00 8F, checksum=8F, error=false
    2019-05-01 18:22:37.801 [DEBUG] [e.dongle.cc2531.ZigBeeDongleTiCc2531] - Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45cb

If I am right I can see the devices trying to connect - at least I see their ID. But all seems to fail with that last line Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0xXXXX.
I also found this message in code, here. My thesis is, these devices (better: this ZToolPackageType) isn’t suported?

Is there anything I could do about that? How can I get these devices running? (Or do I need to buy an Aquara Hub?)

Thanks so far, if you need some more logs or information just ask. I try to answer asap.
regards, Flo.

I found, that users solved this by using ZigBee2MQTT and the mqtt binding for example here. I’ll try that and report back. Anyhow, if someone knows an easier solution the questions above are still open.

Yea, that worked. But needed a lot of configuration, I’ll try to find some time on weekend to post how I did it.