Zigbee2Mqtt installation failing


I decided to make a clean installation after unexplained upgrade issues from 3.4 to 4.0.
I make use of the Openhabian on a RPI4.
I want to install the Zigbee2Mqtt again, but it fails on not being able to select a zigbee device,

\I’m going to openhabian-config > option 20 and than 2A Install Zigbee2Mqtt.
On the page for selecting the zigbee USB device, are there no options at all. It’s empty and can only choose Next or exit.

When I leave the openhabian-config there is still an issue. I can’t do much, I see the prompt but can’t execute any command and need te reconnect to de SSH.
Is there an error in the script for installing this or could there be another issue?

Kind regards,

If you still have problems after exiting the script that points to something more significant going on.

Can you see the device in /dev/tty? What’s the permissions?

Yes I see the device: crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 1 27 jul 22:20 ttyACM1.
All the USB connected devices are working directly in OH, except the Zigee-stick. This one should be working with Zigbee2Mqtt.

I don’t use this service but I assume what ever user it’s supposed to run under is a member of dialout.

About the best I can offer is to see what happens if you install it yourself. If there are still problems the experts will be on the zigbee2mqtt forums/github/etc. and if you can’t get answers here maybe they have them there.

Edwin, I had the same challenge recently in openhabian, I decided to fire up a Debian 12 container in Proxmox and do the Z2M install there and that side of it is working quite well.

Run openhabian in full debug mode. This should show what exactly happens on your system and why the selector is empty.
The selection list should be filled by the command ls /dev/serial/by-id that is being executed in the scripts of openhabian.

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Maybe this is the issue. When trying to execute this command, I got the the response that this file or directory doesn’t exist.
Could this command be replaced in the latest debian? openhabian was running before in release 10, now in release 11.

latest openhabian version is made for Debian Bullseye so should not be a problem based on openhabian.
But it looks like it is a bug that is reported for Bullseye: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1035094

Thanks, the reason is clear to me.
After trying some options I decided to let go the Zigbee2MQTT and use the OH binding again.

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has this been fixed, anyone tried to run zigbee2mqtt on debian 11 lately?

great, thx for the info!
I still didn’t switch to OH4, just gathering info on potential pitfalls :slight_smile:

after my holiday I will check with a fresh openhabian installation (my last check was already bookworm ). I promise to make it work again.
If anybody is ambitious (or wants to help) he could install a fresh openhabian, do an “02 upgrade system” and then try to install zigbee2mqtt.